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17-year-old motorcyclist's lawyers win his case against doctors who fused his knee after he was injured in a motorcycle accident

Accident Type: 
Motorcycle Accident
Incident Date: 
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Result Date: 
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Monetary Result: 
  A 17­-year­-old male sustained a permanently fused left knee when the doctors at the defendant hospital attempted to repair a severe femur fracture he received as a result of a motorcycle accident with another vehicle. The youth and his family contended that the doctors were negligent in setting the fracture and that it was unnecessary to fuse the left knee. The youth and his lawyers argued that he was not informed of the options and that the surgeons deviated from their original plan. The doctors' attorneys contended that the wound was so severely contaminated that they could not do an internal fixation as originally thought and that they provided the best possible care under the circumstances. In the end, the jury ruled in favor of the youth, who received an award of $323,830.98.