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Friday, January 30, 2015

It was about 2:00am when a male driver in his 20's was driving east on Madison Avenue, but was more focused on the burrito he was eating than on the road, and ended up veering into the median, rolling several times, and finally coming to rest in the eastbound lanes of the road. The man was tranported to the hospital, though his injuries were described as minor. Investigators also believe that the man was going over the speed limit when he crashed.

You have options if a speeder hit you

Speed limits are not just recommendations, but established rules that all drivers are expected to follow while operating their vehicles on public roads. Many factors are considered by the engineers who set the limits, such as the road’s characteristics; how wide the shoulder might be, if there is one at all; road grade; and the length of a driver’s line of sight. The limits are set very carefully after an assessment of all these factors, and are meant to keep everyone safe and maintain a healthy flow of traffic as much as possible. However, some drivers speed, and statistics reflect this, and this increases the liklihood and severity of a crash. If you have been hit by a speeding driver, you have options.