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According to Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, in 2012, 726 lost their lives in bicycle/motor vehicle crashes nationally, just under two people every day of the year in the U.S. The death rate from bicycle crashes is high due to the relative lack of protection bicyclists have in an impact with a motor vehicle.

Parents awarded for the loss of their teenage children after head-on motorcycle accident

Accident Type: 
Motorcycle Accident
Result Date: 
Tuesday, May 25, 1993
Monetary Result: 
A seventeen-year-old high school student was killed instantly when his motorcycle struck a car head-on when the car was on the wrong side of the street due to construction. An eighteen-year-old passenger on the motorcycle was also killed. Each surviving parent was awarded $550,000. No economic loss was claimed by the deceased's parents. The surviving family of the passenger settled for a confidential amount.

Bicycling is becoming more popular in the Indianapolis region. Organizations such as Indianapolis Bicycle Advocacy and Bicycle Indiana provide resources to the many riders and enthusiasts in the region. Indianapolis is even home to a bikeshare program which allows riders in the downtown area to rent a bike for a short period of time and return it to any of their convenient stations.

Roy Robinson, 66, is dead in Henderson after a single-vehicle crash Monday morning after his car appeared to cross over the center median, where he crashed into a tree near St. Rose Parkway and Seven Hills Drive. Authorities believe he may have suffered from a medical episode shortly before the crash. 

Motorcycle passenger's lawyers win suit, awarding the passenger $1,000,000 and finding the city of Coachella negligent in its placement of a wall at an intersection

Accident Type: 
Motorcycle Accident
Result Date: 
Sunday, February 1, 1981
Monetary Result: 
  Mr. Zamarripa, a 17-­year­-old youth, sustained severe brain damage, including spastic paralysis and a speech impediment when the motorcycle he was riding as a passenger crashed into a van at an intersection. Zamarripa claimed that a five foot high wall on the Union Oil company’s property caused his stepfather, who was driving the motorcycle, to be unable to see on-coming cars at the intersection. Zamarripa sued the city of Coachella for negligently placing the wall. The defending oil company denied this claim and argued that the wall had nothing to do with the accident which took place 86 feet past the intersection. The verdict was in favor of Zamarripa, who recieved $1,000,000 damages. It was judged, however, that only the city, and not the oil company, were responsible for the placement of the wall.

The basic steps a lawsuit goes through in one quick, easy to understand summary

It may seem daunting if a claim progresses to a lawsuit. A skilled personal injury attorney settles nearly every client’s personal injury claim in a negotiated settlement. This means that very rarely do his clients need to go to trial with a lawsuit. However, if your claim doesn’t have the resolution you wanted, you still have the option to file suit. Your lawyer will step you through the process, explaining things as you go. But here is the gist of what to expect during a lawsuit

How do accident victims receive financial compensation? [VIDEO]

There are a few categories in which accident victims are awarded compensation after an accident: 

  • Medical bills from a motor vehicle crash: At fault drivers are responsible for paying all medical expenses incurred. Also, they must pay all future medical bills that are likely to be incurred. 
  • Lost wages: This includes past wage loss from the accident, as well as future wage loss, i.e. future physical therapy visits that require time off work. 
  • General damages: Includes pain and suffering, mental anguish - all the things you can't put an exact price tag on. A good lawyer will make insurance company see how the accident has effected the client. 

For more information, please see this video on how accident victims are compensated after a collision with an at-fault or partially at-fault driver.

ATV rider and his lawyers win case against Honda Motor Company for negligent vehicle design

Accident Type: 
Other Type of Accident
Result Date: 
Monday, May 4, 1992
Monetary Result: 
  Robert Rangel, 17, was riding his Honda three-wheeled all-terrain-vehicle at a popular off-road riding area in Southern California when he collided with a dunebuggy at a blind curve. In the accident, Rangel lost the use of his left arm, suffered possible brain damage, and facial injuries. He underwent one surgery and two hopitalizations totaling ten days. Due to his injuries, Rangel hired an attorney to sue the makers and dealers of the ATV, the Honda Motor Company. He and his lawyers alleged that the vehicle's design did not permit him to turn in time for the accident. In addition, formal training should have been recommended by the constructor and the dealers of the vehicle. They also claimed that a roll-over structure should have been a saftey feature on this ATV. Honda and its lawyers countered that Rangel entered a blind curve on the wrong side of the path and that he was at excessive speed. In the end, the jury sided with Rangel and his lawyers, awarding him $4,200,000, however he was found 80% at fault. Honda was found 5% at fault and the dealers 15%. Due to a joint and several liability law, which provided that a party at fault with the means to pay the full liability must do so, Honda payed Rangel $840,000.