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Six tips on driving safely around kids

According to AAA, the afternoon hours are particularly dangerous for kids being hit by cars. Nearly a quarter of child pedestrian fatalities occurred between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Children don’t have enough experience to know what to do in unexpected situations that can happen so fast, and sometimes they do unexpected things. No driver wants to be responsible for a devastating accident at any time – especially one that involves children. Drivers need to be especially careful when driving around kids, and here are some things from AAA’s School’s Open – Drive Carefully campaign to think about.

Accidents that involve children are some of the hardest

Seeing children hurt is too painful for many of us to bear. When a child is hurt – or killed – in an accident, the loss is catastrophic and feels at times insurmountable to the survivors. It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed and feel there is no hope. While no one can undo what’s done, there may be help to get you through this time. If the crash occurred because of someone’s negligence, especially in cases of drunk or distracted driving, or poor road safety, the injured child or the survivors may be able to file a claim or lawsuit. Click to learn more.