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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Things to do immediately after a serious accident

A serious car accident can quickly take over your life. Dealing with doctor appointments, losing pay from work, and worrying about your physical and financial future all take a toll. It is important to take charge of the situation and begin the process of recovering from a car accident or personal injury claim.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Three people died Nov. 14 in a two-car head-on collision on Highway 104 near Balmoral Place NE in Kingston. The State Patrol identified the deceased as Robin N. Bishop, 59, of Kingston, the only occupant of a 1994 Lexus; and Anthony A. Adams and Marion D. Sparks, both 44, of Little Boston, the occupants of a 1985 Ford Escort. All were declared dead at the scene. The crash occurred at about 7 p.m. According to the State Patrol, Bishop was driving westbound on 104 when her vehicle crossed the center line and struck the Ford Escort, driven by Adams.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Four people were injured, two of them seriously, in a head-on crash on State Route 169 near Enumclaw. The accident occurred at 8:18 a.m. just north of 416th Street.When crews arrived, they found two vehicles that had crashed head-on and two injured victims were in each vehicle. Three victims were transported to Harborview Medical Center, two of which were airlifted due to the severity of their injuries. One victim was transported to St. Elizabeth Hospital in Enumclaw.What to do immediately after a serious accident

Motorcyclist's lawyers win his case after being injured in a head-on accident with a pickup truck

Accident Type: 
Motorcycle Accident
Incident Date: 
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Result Date: 
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monetary Result: 
  On July 21, 2007, at 10:40 a.m., Len Briese was riding his motorcycle west on Scotts Valley Road, east of Laurel Dell in an unincorporated Lake County, California. William James Tilley, a resident of Oklahoma, was driving his pickup truck with a trailer east on Scotts Valley Road and collided with plaintiff’s motorcycle. Tilley said he crossed over the center line in a curve and sideswiped Briese on his motorcycle. As a result of the accident, Briese suffered a leg fracture, a degloving injury to knee and had to receive knee replacement surgery. Briese sued Tilley for his negligence in causing the accident. Tilley did not contend that Briese had any fault in the accident. There were two attempts to mediate a settlement to the accident, however an agreement over the damages was not reached, and therefore the case went to court. In the end, Briese and his attorneys won, receiving an award of $850,100.

Teen motorcyclist and his lawyers win their case against motorcycle club after an accident at a racetrack

Accident Type: 
Motorcycle Accident
Incident Date: 
Saturday, January 1, 1994
Result Date: 
Monday, January 1, 1996
Monetary Result: 
  Mr. Wadlow, 16 at the time of the accident, was returning on a dirt road from the "smoke bomb" area of a race track back to the pits wre he acted as a crewman for his father when he collided with a truck heading in the opposite direction. As a result of the accident, he suffered a compound fracture to his left femur and tibia, requiring two months of hospitalization, six skin graft surgeries and resulting in a permanent limp, scarring, and possible future surgery and arthritis. Wadlow and his lawyers decided to sue the motorcycle clubs that own the track, Jack Rabbit Motorcycle Club and American Motorcycle Club. They contended that the dirt road was supposed to be one-way road and that they had failed to direct traffic on that road.  The defending motorcycle clubs argued that Wadlow was responsible for the his injuries as he was operating a motorcycle that was too large for his size. They additionally claimed that they had no obligation to direct traffic as an amateur club. In the end, Wadlow and his lawyers won the case and a reward of $758,729. However, Mr. Wadlow was found to be 33.3% negligent for riding in a large motorcycle and not taking evasive action while driving, while his father was also found 33.3% negligent. Therefore, the total award they collected was reduced to $331,081.

Motorcyclist's lawyers win her case against Whatcom County for negligent road design, winning a total of $800,000

Accident Type: 
Motorcycle Accident
Incident Date: 
Tuesday, May 1, 1984
Result Date: 
Thursday, January 1, 1987
Monetary Result: 
Hopson Anderson's left leg was riding her motorcycle in Whatcom County, Washington when she began negotiating a tight curve. Her motorcycle crossed the center line of the road and she struck another vehicle. As she clipped the oncoming vehicle, she severely injured her left leg. Her injuries resulted in an amputation of her left leg below the knee. A male passenger on her motorcycle additionally suffered a fractured left leg. She and her attorneys asserted that the accident was the result of the county's improper maintenance and design of the roadway. They further claimed that Whatcom County was responsible for the failure of posting a warning sign about the curve. In the end, Anderson and her attorneys won the case, earning an $800,000 reward.

Pickup driver's defense lawyers win his case after a head-on accident with a motorcyclist who sustained serious injuries

Accident Type: 
Motorcycle Accident
Incident Date: 
Friday, October 28, 1983
Result Date: 
Thursday, October 15, 1987
Monetary Result: 


This motorcycle and truck crash happened on October 28, 1983, at 3: 20 p.m., in favorable weather, on a winding, dirt, mountain road, near Paradise, in Butte County, California. Timothy Peterson, age 33, was riding his Honda trail motorbike on the mountain road toward the site of a weekend camping trip. As he drove through a right turn, he saw George Snyder operating a pickup truck, coming in the opposite direction, heading downhill. Peterson has no memory of the crash, but he argued, through testimony of his accident reconstruction expert, that the pickup was on his side of the road, causing him to swerve sharply to his left to avoid the oncoming truck. At the same time, Snyder swerved his pickup to his right, and the head-on collision occurred in Snyder's lane. 

Peterson suffered multiple fracturs to his upper and lower legs and ankles in addition to several fractured ribs, a collapsed lung, and damage to his kidney and liver. The left tibia and left ankle both developed infections, resulting in several bone grafts over a period of three years. The bone grafts failed, due to the severity of the infections, and ultimately the left leg was amputated below the knee.

Snyder, a 45-year-old part-­time personal property appraiser living in Paradise, argued that, although he may have been over the center of the dirt road, it was customary practice for mountain driving on relatively straight stretches of road. He further claimed that Peterson came out of a wide turn, was looking over his shoulder as he rounded the corner, and drifted onto his side of the roadway. Snyder slammed on his brakes, but claimed Peterson was inattentive and went out of control. A California Highway Patrol officer confirmed Snyder's account, testifying that the accident was entirely Peterson's fault.

In the end, thanks to the CHP officer's testimony, the jury ruled unanimously for Snyder and Peterson was not granted any payments for his serious injuries. Ultimately, the testimony of the police officer out-weighed Peterson's accident reconstruction expert.

Wrong Way Driving Causes Devastating Car Crashes in Bellingham

Like many cities, Bellingham has its share of one-way roads. It's not uncommon to see drivers who travel against the direction they're supposed to. Especially when this happens at highway speeds, such as along I-5 or Whatcom County roads,being hit by a wrong-way driver is one of the most devastating kinds of collisions possible. These crashes can happen very fast, without the victims’ seeing them coming. Often the injuries sustained in these kinds of accidents are major and possibly fatal. Click here if you've been involved in a wreck where the driver was going the wrong way.

A head-on car crash can bring a lifetime of residual effects

When you're injured in an accident, it helps to know you're not alone. A head-on collision is one of the hardest events to go through, because the resulting injuries and losses can be catastrophic. As a personal injury attorney, I have helped clients find compensation for head-on car crashes so that they can focus on the best possible life afterwards. Here's a story I'd like to share with you about someone who was hit when another car crossed the median on a highway outside Bellingham, WA.

Parents awarded for the loss of their teenage children after head-on motorcycle accident

Accident Type: 
Motorcycle Accident
Result Date: 
Tuesday, May 25, 1993
Monetary Result: 
A seventeen-year-old high school student was killed instantly when his motorcycle struck a car head-on when the car was on the wrong side of the street due to construction. An eighteen-year-old passenger on the motorcycle was also killed. Each surviving parent was awarded $550,000. No economic loss was claimed by the deceased's parents. The surviving family of the passenger settled for a confidential amount.