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11 Georgia Laws Drivers Don’t Know Exist

Police are sharing these Georgia driving laws in an effort to help motorists avoid tickets for laws they don't even know exist. Click the link to learn about 11 laws that drivers, citing ignorance, are frequently ticketed for. Learn more about legal issues here.

TBI can be especially common for passengers in a bus accident

Seat belts are known to protect those in cars and trucks, and are by law required to be worn. However, this is not the case for bus passengers. In the event of a serious bus accident, head injuries are not uncommon. If you have experienced a head injury in a bus accident, be aware of the signs and symptoms of TBI. 

Does size matter? In car v. semi crashes like this one, yes it does

A recent catastrophic accident involving two semi tractor trailers and six cars or pickup trucks showed how clearly large trucks have the advantage in an accident. However, does this mean cars are always going to lose in accidents with bigger vehicles? Increasingly, materials and engineering have leveled the field. Read more from Bill Coats Law in Bellingham, WA about top safety ratings for cars

Hit by an autonomous vehicle? How fault may be determined

How could you sue a driverless car! Once these vehicles hit the road en masse as projected - 10 million by 2050 - accidents may go down but they won't go away. Bill Coats Law of Bellingham, Washington writes on issues for car accident claims where fault is disputed by the machines. 

4 Tips for car accident victims where fault is disputed

Car crashes are complicated events that happen in the blink of an eye. Many factors can contribute to the series of missteps that make vehicles collide, and many people will look at those factors and have a completely different take on who was at fault. In cases that aren't cut and dried, fault can be disputed. If you've been in an accident where fault is disputed, this article has four tips on what you can do to build a best case scenario for yourself. 

Signs, Symptoms and Seriousness of TBI

The symptoms of TBI can be subtle, even things that most people experience now and then normally. But the effects of them can be serious, even deadly. Click to learn more from personal injury lawyer Bill Coats of Bellingham, WA about how to recognize a TBI and the #1 thing you should do immediately if you hurt your head in a car accident

DATA: Kentucky boating deaths on pace for five-year high

With its proximity to major waterways such as Kentucky Lake, Lake Barkley, and the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, boating is a hugely popular pastime in the Bluegrass State. According to the Coast Guard, Kentucky may have one of the deadliest years for boaters in recent history. Read more about boating accidents here

Lost wages? PIP to the rescue

PIP stands for Personal Injury Protection and is automatically included with many auto insurance policies. Though individual policies vary, it may include $10,000 towards wage loss. But there are some important things to know about PIP and what it means to put it into action. Bill Coats Law in Bellingham, WA put together this article and video to help consumers understand auto insurance policies and what next steps to take in the unfortunate event of a car accident. 

What do auto accident victims need to know about wage loss? [VIDEO]

If you or a loved one has been in an auto accident and experienced wage loss, or you're looking at having to re-train for a lower paying job because your injuries will prevent you from going back to what you used to do, you've got options. Click here to learn about wage loss, future wage loss, and your rights as an auto accident victim.

Tips on collecting physical evidence at the scene of an auto accident

Auto accidents - no matter how minor - are shocking, scary events to all involved. First and foremost, the top priority is to get the injured medical care ASAP, as those first few moments are critical to recovery, and sometimes, survival. However, accident victims have other things to consider too. This article is intended to be shared with friends and loved ones before an accident happens, to keep in mind some things to do in the event of an accident that can help in going through the insurance claims process or even building a tort case. Click for information on the importance of collecting physical evidence after a car crash and other tips.