The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is the steward of a large and robust transportation system, and is responsible for ensuring that people and goods move safely and efficiently. In addition to building, maintaining, and operating the state highway system, WSDOT is responsible for the state ferry system, and works in partnership with others to maintain and improve local roads, railroads, airports, and multi-modal alternatives to driving.
WSDOT tracks, reports, and manages its programs and project according to the six transportation policy goals adopted by the Legislature in RCW 47.01.012. The six policy goals are safety, preservation, mobility (congestion relief), environment, stewardship, and economic vitality. These goals are interdependent and support the overall vision for all transportation agencies (like WSDOT) in the state.
WSDOT, working closely with private contractors, is in the midst of delivering the largest capital construction program in our history—more than $16.3 billion in projects, including 421 highway projects.