Anthony "Tony" Nunes, 54, killed, when his tractor crashes down an embankment in Contra Costa County, and pins him underneath.

Modified Date: 
Mon, 10/06/2014 - 8:28am
Accident Date: 
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Off-duty Berkeley firefighter dies in tractor crash.

A veteran Berkeley firefighter-paramedic died when he crashed while riding a tractor off-duty near Martinez, authorities said Monday
A veteran Berkeley firefighter-paramedic died when he crashed while riding a tractor off-duty near Martinez, authorities said Monday. Anthony "Tony" Nunes, 54, of Martinez was riding a tractor on family property near Bear Creek Road and Alhambra Valley Road when the vehicle went over an embankment off a fire trail, rolled 200 feet and pinned him, said Capt. Robert Marshall of the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District. Nunes died at the scene. Nunes had been riding the tractor when family members became concerned that he had not returned, authorities said. Relatives began searching for him on the ranchland property. A California Highway Patrol helicopter confirmed the location of the crash, which happened in a remote area where searchers ordinarily wouldn't look, Marshall said. His body was escorted by a cortege of police and fire vehicles, their emergency lights flashing, to the coroner's office in Martinez. Nunes' death has left two Bay Area fire departments in mourning. Flags at Berkeley fire stations are flying at half-staff, and firefighters' badges are wrapped in black bands. Nunes' fire jacket is draped over a fire truck at Station No. 7 on Shasta Road in the Berkeley hills. Nunes would have marked his 28th year with the department Monday, said Berkeley Fire Chief Gil Dong. "We deal with life and death situations on a daily basis," Dong said. "It's harder for us when it's one of your own." The Contra Costa fire agency is also honoring Nunes, whose brothers have ties with that department. His brother, Capt. John Nunes, served more than 30 years with the department before he died of leukemia in 2009, a death considered in the line of duty. His brother, Lawrence Nunes, retired as a battalion chief from the department in 2011, and his brother, Ed Nunes, is a reserve firefighter. "Any time that a fellow firefighter passes on, it's always difficult for us," Marshall said. "In this particular case, it's especially difficult, because not only do we know Larry, who worked for us as a battalion chief, but everybody knew Tony as well." Several firefighters who responded to the tragedy knew the victim, and his brother Ed Nunes also served as incident commander, Marshall said.
People Involved: 
Anthony "Tony" Nunes

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