Man pulled over for speeding to teen sister's funeral gets 100-mile ride from Ohio police officer

When Mark Ross found out his teenage sister, 15-year-old Eliza Fletcher, had been killed in car crash, he wanted to be with his mother as soon as possible.

But without a vehicle, Ross needed a ride from where he was in Indiana back to Detroit. After convincing a friend to drive, they took off just after 3 a.m. Sunday. According to a Facebook post Ross wrote, they were speeding through Ohio when red and blue lights flashed behind them.

“I knew I was going to jail due to a petty warrant,” Ross wrote.

According to Inside Edition, Ross was in the passenger seat of the car when Trooper J. Davis pulled them over, and the driver had a suspended license and an outstanding warrant as well. The driver was taken into custody, the car was towed, and Ross was stranded in Ohio. 

Then, Ohio State Highway Patrol Sergeant David Robison arrived. Ross writes:

I explained to the officer that my sister had died and that I needed to get to my mother asap. I broke down crying and he saw the sincerity in my cry. He REACHES OVER AND BEGAN PRAYING OVER ME AND MY FAMILY. He offered to bring me 100 miles further to Detroit because they towed the vehicle. Everybody knows how much I dislike Cops but I am truly Greatful (sic) for this Guy. He gave me hope

The trooper then drove Ross the 100 miles to be with his grieving family. 

“It was just so overwhelming,” Ross told Inside Edition. “They were trying to help us.”

Trooper Robison even plans to attend the funeral. 

A GoFundMe supporting the family can be found here

Comments Sisters go fund me page, ran by their mother.

I think the police officer who drove him 100 miles to comfort his mother deserves a major commendation.  This story ought to receive every bit as much publicity as stories of police shootings!

A fine man representing life as Jesus lived it. Offering prayer for him and his family as well.

More Cops outta b like Officer Robinson.. Dallas could use a few good cops like him.

Officer Robinson I'm commend you! You are the best! You mmay hear the worst, but it's officers like you who make the difference!! Much love to you and your family! !!

Very touching story....prayers to u & fam

Way to go 5-0!!! Love this story.

this goes to show all Officers ain't bad Ty Jesus for him.....

Forget Clinton & Trump..Robinson 4 President


it kills when people are surprised that a cop is good to the community, They do amazing things everyday, but they have to deal with the scum of the earth and stupid lazy people who don't follow the rules we need to live a safe happy life. Get a job and behave and you'll begin to think there at least alright

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