Denver Sheriff's Department deputy Lori Clyncke killed in motorcycle crash near Greeley, Colorado

Modified Date: 
Tue, 10/06/2015 - 10:44am
Accident Date: 
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Denver deputy killed in motorcycle crash near Greeley

"She was very well-liked," Crittle said. "A lot of people are in sort of deep shock about it."

Denver deputy killed in motorcycle crash

"(Lori) was very well liked, hard working. People who knew her are shocked and saddened by what occurred," said department spokesperson Simon Crittle.
Lori Clyncke was killed Sunday in a motorcycle crash near Greeley, Colorado. Few details about the crash are available. Clynke was a deputy in the Denver Sheriff's Department for 10 years, where she worked in the intake area of the city's downtown detention center. 
People Involved: 
Lori Clyncke
Denver, CO


Shocking and sad news to hear. Lori is the reason I moved to Missouri from Colorado. To get away from alcoholic life and destructive actions. I've been sober ever since 2003 thanks to her. She was a long time friend of my entire family and I am proud to have known her. I never really got a chance to thank her. Thank you Lori for asking me to ride with you to drop your girls off in Mo. Back in '03. If not for that trip, I wouldn't have changed my life. You will be missed by all.

I knew Lori and loved her. I will miss her so much. The Haufbrau will not be the same. We had so many good times there. I hope she is with her daughter now. She was a great gal.

Lori and i have been friends for about 10. Years she loved to dance at clubs. We. Were going to garthbrooks concert. I did not find out about the tragic loss till later . this is horrible news i am so sorry for all of you that we lost such a great person, she had such a good heart, you will be greatly missed. God bless all that were so grateful to know her.

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