29-year-old man dies in crash between pickup and minivan on Sam Houston Parkway, Harris County

Modified Date: 
Sat, 08/30/2014 - 6:23am
Accident Date: 
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Driver dies after crashing into minivan

According to deputies the 29-year-old pickup truck driver was speeding westbound on the North Sam Houston Parkway.
The 29-year-old pickup truck driver was speeding when he slammed into the back end of a slower moving vehicle, losing control and sliding against the inside wall for about 100 yards. The driver was not wearing a seat belt and died at the scene. Deputies are investigating whether alcohol was a factor.
Type: Car Accident


My thoughts and prayers are with his family. He was my sports buddy, and I miss him terribly. I am heartbroken.

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