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Does your site consistently link out to other websites?

If not, you're going to lose the search battle.

Most attorney websites rely exclusively on links to them (aka backlinks) and never link out to other sites. These attorney sites are dead ends and soon become forgotten by the search engines. Think of it this way - how many dead end streets do you drive down when looking for new adventures? That's right: zero.

If you are an attorney marketer hoping to improve your search rank, you need to start linking out to other sites in a big way, and become a participant in the exchange of information, not just an outpost. The more you link out, the better you will rank. ADC links out to hundreds of thousands of resources and adds hundreds (sometimes thousands) every day and we rank highly.

The problem is that it's hard to keep up with the effort because it's time consuming to find good local resources, summarize stories, and link out to them. ADC can automate your outbound link efforts and save you valuable time so you can focus on your clients.

A new video with pricing and detailed examples is in production! Send an email if you'd like more info in the meantime.



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