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One family's story of claiming wrongful death against their son's drowning

Jet skis may look like harmless fun and seem as though they are so easy to operate a child could do it. However, they are capable of high speeds and can be dangerous. Jet skis require training in order to use. When that training is not taken seriously, and children operate these vehicles without adult supervision, accidents can happen. Here is one story of how that accident resulted in the death of a teen.

A heart-breaking case result of negligence resulting in a child's wrongful death

Negligence can come in so many forms, but in essence means that someone was supposed to do something in a certain way, and did not. This heart-breaking case shows how a personal injury lawyer in Bellingham, WA worked on a wrongful death claim for a child killed because of a long chain of unfortunate events that could have been prevented if not for a government official's negligence.

Motorcycle passenger's lawyers win suit, awarding the passenger $1,000,000 and finding the city of Coachella negligent in its placement of a wall at an intersection

Accident Type: 
Motorcycle Accident
Result Date: 
Sunday, February 1, 1981
Monetary Result: 
  Mr. Zamarripa, a 17-­year­-old youth, sustained severe brain damage, including spastic paralysis and a speech impediment when the motorcycle he was riding as a passenger crashed into a van at an intersection. Zamarripa claimed that a five foot high wall on the Union Oil company’s property caused his stepfather, who was driving the motorcycle, to be unable to see on-coming cars at the intersection. Zamarripa sued the city of Coachella for negligently placing the wall. The defending oil company denied this claim and argued that the wall had nothing to do with the accident which took place 86 feet past the intersection. The verdict was in favor of Zamarripa, who recieved $1,000,000 damages. It was judged, however, that only the city, and not the oil company, were responsible for the placement of the wall.

Parents awarded for the loss of their teenage children after head-on motorcycle accident

Accident Type: 
Motorcycle Accident
Result Date: 
Tuesday, May 25, 1993
Monetary Result: 
A seventeen-year-old high school student was killed instantly when his motorcycle struck a car head-on when the car was on the wrong side of the street due to construction. An eighteen-year-old passenger on the motorcycle was also killed. Each surviving parent was awarded $550,000. No economic loss was claimed by the deceased's parents. The surviving family of the passenger settled for a confidential amount.

Being ejected from a crash due to a drunk driver is almost too much to bear

It's not uncommon for people ejected from a vehicle in a car crash to have life-threatening injuries. When that accident is due to someone else's negligence, especially drug or drugged driving, it may seem like a cruel, needless tragedy to the victims who weren't even driving. If this kind of case has happened to you, know that you're not alone. Here's a story of one personal injury accident client for an attorney based in Whatcom County, Washington, who went through such a horrible scenario but was compensated fairly. Even if it can't turn back the clock and change what happened, it can help a victim cope. 

One clients story of how this Bellingham, WA lawyer helped him recover after a car accident

If you have been injured in a car accident that wasn't your fault, it can help to hear that you're not alone. That you do have options, and there are ways to recover some of what you lost financially. It takes money to be able to recover from serious injuries including bone fractures, like this car accident victim hit by a distracted driver. Sometimes your best option is to seek legal expertise to make sure you receive a fair settlement for your damages and losses. Here is one client's story.

How a drunk adult can contribute to a child's death without being anywhere near the accident scene

Here is one client's story of how a series of tragic mistakes in the name of having a good time drinking at the lake led to the death of a teenager. Lawyer Bill Coats represented the family of this teen in recovering $2.5M in a wrongful death lawsuit in which the adults who should have been supervising were too drunk to do so.

A head-on car crash can bring a lifetime of residual effects

When you're injured in an accident, it helps to know you're not alone. A head-on collision is one of the hardest events to go through, because the resulting injuries and losses can be catastrophic. As a personal injury attorney, I have helped clients find compensation for head-on car crashes so that they can focus on the best possible life afterwards. Here's a story I'd like to share with you about someone who was hit when another car crossed the median on a highway outside Bellingham, WA.

Bellingham WA lawyer helps client find compensation for hip dislocation due to accident

If you have been injured in a car accident that wasn't your fault, it can help to hear that you're not alone. That you do have options, and there are ways to recover some of what you lost financially. It takes money to be able to recover from serious injuries like a hip dislocation and bone fractures, like this car accident victim hit by a distracted driver. Sometimes your best option is to seek legal expertise to make sure you receive a fair settlement for your damages and losses. Here is one client's story.

Teenage pedestrian Daejah Hough is dead after being struck by 2 vehicles in Darlington County while attempting to cross the street. Hough died around 6:30 a.m. after being hit by a freightliner truck and then by a Chrysler minivan while attempting to cross US Highway 52 at Syracuse Street. She died at a local hospital and no charges will be filed against the drivers. Hough was at fault for unlawfully trying to cross the highway and the incident is under investigation by the Darlington County Coroner and the SCHP.