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Six tips on driving safely around kids

According to AAA, the afternoon hours are particularly dangerous for kids being hit by cars. Nearly a quarter of child pedestrian fatalities occurred between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Children don’t have enough experience to know what to do in unexpected situations that can happen so fast, and sometimes they do unexpected things. No driver wants to be responsible for a devastating accident at any time – especially one that involves children. Drivers need to be especially careful when driving around kids, and here are some things from AAA’s School’s Open – Drive Carefully campaign to think about.

Accidents that involve children are some of the hardest

Seeing children hurt is too painful for many of us to bear. When a child is hurt – or killed – in an accident, the loss is catastrophic and feels at times insurmountable to the survivors. It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed and feel there is no hope. While no one can undo what’s done, there may be help to get you through this time. If the crash occurred because of someone’s negligence, especially in cases of drunk or distracted driving, or poor road safety, the injured child or the survivors may be able to file a claim or lawsuit. Click to learn more.

Tips on what to do next if your child was hit by a car

Kids love bikes – from a bigwheel to a ten-speed. But even with the necessary safety gear and careful supervision, accidents can happen. A child can be hit by a vehicle in split seconds, and experience broken bones, bruises, or unthinkable injuries. When someone else is at fault it’s almost too much to bear. Even if it seems that the facts are clear, and the accident was caused by someone else, there is a legal process in filing a personal injury claim. Legal processes are complex and negotiating with the insurance companies – even if criminal charges were filed against the responsible party – can be traumatizing to all involved.  This isn’t the time to go it alone, and take on a big company yourself that is in the business of saving itself money. Click the link to learn more about what to do if your child was hit by a car.

One family's story of claiming wrongful death against their son's drowning

Jet skis may look like harmless fun and seem as though they are so easy to operate a child could do it. However, they are capable of high speeds and can be dangerous. Jet skis require training in order to use. When that training is not taken seriously, and children operate these vehicles without adult supervision, accidents can happen. Here is one story of how that accident resulted in the death of a teen.

Car seats are required by law. Do you have the right stuff?

Advice and ratings abound on the internet, but how do you know what  you're getting? For tips from personal injury lawyer Bill Coats on buying the right car seat, click here. 

Even a Minor Accident Can Cause Childhood Trauma

Any unusual behavior that begins shortly after a severely frightening episode may indicate that your child is traumatized. Compulsive, repetitive mannerisms, such as repeatedly zooming a toy car into a doll, are an almost sure sign of unresolved trauma. Other signs of traumatic stress include tantrums, uncontrollable rage attacks, hyperactivity, thrashing while asleep, bedwetting, inability to concentrate in school, excessive belligerence, or fearful shyness.

Helping Children Cope with Trauma

We created this site so parents can understand their child's reactions to injury and learn how to help children cope with trauma in a healthy way. Injury and Pain Care - This section of the website offers some general information about common injuries and tips for home management, as well as helpful hints for pain management and injury prevention. Traumatic Stress and PTSD - resources on finding a therapist, traumatic stress and PTSD, dealing with other types of traumatic events, worry or stress in children and teens, sleep problems, injury prevention, pain and injury care, books for parents and books for kids.
A woman and her 6-year-old son were identified Sunday as the victims who died in a two-vehicle crash near on ic-slick Hwy. 212 in Carver County. Three other people were hurt but are expected to survive. The accident happened at 1:50 p.m. Saturday and involved a vehicle driving east that spun out and into the path of a pickup truck heading the opposite direction. Killed were two passengers in the car: Angelica Salas, 29, of Lester Prairie, Minn., and 6-year-old son Jorge E. Salas.

"It’s a sight that leaves many people uneasy. A child, unharnessed in the back of a moving vehicle peeking from its sunroof. But despite increased media awareness and official calls for improved child safety in cars, it’s a sight that is all too common in Dubai.

The UAE’s rapid expansion and planned diversification away from oil has seen the likes of Dubai catapult to many of the world’s top ten lists, but compared to the Western world, it is still playing catch up when it comes to safety on the roads.

Hanover Central Middle School student Jeffrey Bellinger, 13, was walking along the side of a set of CSX railroad tracks Tuesday afternoon when he was hit from behind by a freight train that was unable to stop. The accident occurred about 200 feet north of the 137th Avenue crossing in Cedar Lake, where Bellinger was pronounced dead at the scene.