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Bicyclists who are hit by a hit and run driver still have options for financial recovery

A hit and run accident that happens to a bicycle rider is unconscionable. In most accidents between a car and a bike, the bicyclist is the one with the far greater injuries. On a bicycle, you are much more vulnerable to impact than in a car, even at relatively low speeds. If the driver takes off, added to the pain of the injuries is the frustration and anger at that terrible response. Even if the driver who hit you while you were on bicycle is never found, you have options for recovery. Click to learn what they are.

How a good personal injury attorney can help accident victims find money for lost wages

Don suffered disc injuries to his low back in an accident where the at-fault driver pulled into traffic and struck the side of Don’s classic 1955 Ford T-Bird. Don’s injuries were severe enough that he could not return to his physically demanding work as a paramedic. Although Don was close to retirement, he was counting on a few more good work years. Here is one accident victim's story of how a good personal injury attorney helped him find money for lost wages, despite the fact that the at-fault driver did not have car insurance

The #1 thing you need to do after an auto accident

Accident victims have a wide range of reactions after a crash, and as a personal injury lawyer here in Bellingham, WA, I have seen them all. While one might expect that someone would seek medical attention soon after a collision, that's not always the case. I created this video linked through this article on what all accident victims should do after an auto accident.

One last step of the claims process may mean a big fat check to your health insurance company - signed by you

It's a shocking title for my video about a fairly common policy that takes many accident victims by surprise. For more information on reimbursement, or subrogation, after an auto accident, click here.

Calculating wage loss is an important aspect of assessing damages

One of the most important aspects of figuring out a fair settlement is including money for lost wages. Lost wages don't just mean the time off of work someone had to take while recovering from injuries. What if you can't go back to the same job you had before and must take a lower paying job instead? Check out this video on wage loss to determine if you might be due more money for your claim than the insurance company is trying to offer.

Take this step before you file for uninsured/underinsured motorist protection

A little-know rule called the Hamilton Rule factors into uninsured/underinsured motorist policies. Though very seldom used, it gives insurance companies the right to sue an at-fault driver before the victim would file a claim to recoup their losses. If you don't take this step in the right order, your insurance company deny your claim and pay you nothing. Click to watch this video by Bill Coats Law on taking this necessary step in the claims process.

Uninsured motorist coverage and wrongful death claims

It can be yet another devastating blow to learn that the person who killed someone you love in a car accident doesn't have a high enough policy to cover the wages your family will lose. But don't despair. There is a way to seek these damages. Click to learn more about uninsured motorist coverage in wrongful death claims

[VIDEO] A guide to using your uninsured/underinsured motorist protection

It's a step not everyone will have to take, but using your uninsured/underinsured motorist protection means some fairly complicated fine print can affect your claim. Insurers are skilled at looking for ways to reduce your compensation, as it saves their bottom line. Click here for a video series from Bill Coats Law on what you need to know about using your uninsured/underinsured motorist protection. 

Don’t be Afraid to File Claims against Uninsured Drivers

Many insured drivers, when involved in a personal injury accident with an uninsured party, are afraid to file a claim for fear of increased insurance premiums or rates. Luckily, under Tennessee law, this cannot happen. Learn more about these claims here...

A critical step in the claims process for owners of financed or leased vehicles

Insurance claims adjusters are notoriously adept at negotiating a smaller claim than their insured would like. If you've got a financed or leased vehicle, you may be in for a bigger shock than even the claims adjuster can give you if you lack gap insurance. Here's what you need to know about this coverage.