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Motor vehicle accidents are an hourly occurrence in Des Moines, Ames,  and across Polk County. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this vast region.

Motor vehicle accidents are a regularly occurance in Columbus, Tupelo, and West Point. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this region.

Motor vehicle accidents are an hourly occurrence in Greenwood and Greenville. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this vast region.

Motor vehicle accidents are an hourly occurrence in Hattiesburg and Laurel. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in the region.

Motor vehicle accidents are an hourly occurrence in Wilkes-Barre and Scranton. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this vast region.

Motor vehicle accidents are an hourly occurrence in Chico and Redding. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this region.

Motor vehicle accidents are an hourly occurrence in Fresno, Visalia, and across Fresno County and Tulare County. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this vast region.

Motor vehicle accidents are an hourly occurrence in Monterey, Salinas, and across Monterey County. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this region.

Motor vehicle accidents are an hourly occurrence in Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, and San Luis Obispo. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this region.

Motor vehicle accidents are an hourly occurrence in Beaumont and Port Arthur, and across Jefferson County. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this vast region.