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Motor vehicle accidents are a regular occurrence in Paducah, Cape Girardeau, and Harrisburg. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this region.

Motor vehicle accidents are a common occurrence in Wichita, Hutchinson, and across Sedgwick County and Reno County. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the Wichita  and Hutchinson communities.

Motor vehicle accidents are a common occurrence in Raleigh and Durham. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers, drugged drivers, or distracted drivers accidents. The risk of these collisions are a major safety and economic issue for the Raleigh and Durham communities.

Motor vehicle accidents are an hourly occurrence in Medford and Klamath Falls. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this region.

According to Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, in 2012, 726 lost their lives in bicycle/motor vehicle crashes nationally, just under two people every day of the year in the U.S. The death rate from bicycle crashes is high due to the relative lack of protection bicyclists have in an impact with a motor vehicle.

San Antonio drunk driving accidents cause more injury, death, and economic loss than any other crime or civic issue

Motor vehicle accidents are a common occurrence in the San Antonio region. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers, drugged drivers, or distracted drivers accidents. The risk of these collisions are a major safety and economic issue for the San Antonio community.

Motor vehicle accidents are a common occurrence in the Huntsville region. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers, drugged drivers, or distracted drivers accidents. The risk of these collisions are a major safety and economic issue for these communities.

Get information on drunk driving crashes from the police departments in the Huntsville/Decatur region

The region's law enforcement agencies offer information on drunk driving accidents, and also provide information on filing a police report and on obtaining a police report.

Who Can I Hold Liable in My Passenger Accident Injury Claim?

A driver and passenger have an unspoken agreement every time they get in a vehicle together - that they both have a responsibility to each other to make the drive as safe as possible. Yet it's ultimately the responsibility of the driver to maintain the well-being of all passengers in the car. Behaviors that go against safety - drunk and drugged driving, and distracted driving are two big examples - endanger everyone in the car and around it. These are other factors will have a dramatic impact on determining liability after an accident. Click to learn more from this Bellingham, WA accident lawyer about how negligence and liability are factored in to accident injury claims.


Motor vehicle accidents are an hourly occurrence in Wausau, Rhinelander, and across Marathon County and Oneida County. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this vast region.

Motor vehicle accidents are a regular occurrence in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and across Bernalillo County and Santa Fe County. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this vast region.