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When someone is killed because of the carelessness or misconduct of another person, the surviving members of the victim's family may bring a "wrongful death" lawsuit.  Wrongful death lawsuits can also be filed against corporations and governmental agencies for their negligence. A wrongful death lawsuit may only be filed by the personal representative of the decedent's estate. This is usually a close family member, like a spouse, adult child or parent. A personal injury attorney can assist in helping the family have a personal representative appointed.

At one point or another, everyone is a pedestrian. As the expense of driving and insuring a vehicle rise, more and more people choose to walk to their destinations. As the number of pedestrians increases, so do the number of pedestrian accidents. To see where the Montgomery and Selma communities rank in terms of pedestrian collisions nationally, please go to this National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report.

What's in your pocket could hurt you - why the FDA hasn't declared e-cigarettes safe

Though e-cigarettes don't need to be lit with a lighter like smoking tobacco, they can still burn you. Although you mostly see car accident stories on this site, there's an increasing number of claims made against electronic cigarette manufacturers for selling products that might not be safe. Curious how this can happen under the FDA's nose? Read this article on why the FDA hasn't issued regulations on e-cigarettes yet.

New statistics on distracted driving provide sobering picture

It's no news that distracted driving is a problem, but recent reports show how pervasive it is. Personal injury law firm Bill Coats Law in Bellingham, WA compiles this comparison of common driving distractions and how dangerous is one is. 

Being ejected from a vehicle in a crash may change your working life forever after

If you've been in a collision where you were ejected from the vehicle, it's very likely that you're dealing with some severe injuries. Sometimes those injuries prevent accident victims from going back to the same job they used to have. This doesn't mean you are fated to settle for a lower paying job for the rest of your working life. Click here for an article and video about wage loss, future wage loss, and your options.

Neck surgeries needed after a bike accident can mean expensive medical bills

Attorney Bill Coats’ took on a personal injury case in Bellingham, Washington, that involved multiple defendants. He obtained a settlement of over $1M for his client who experienced spinal injuries after a bike crash because of some high school kids' prank that went horribly wrong. So often, an injury to the neck or spine can mean complicated surgeries as well as a high incidence of chronic pain. While this particular case's story is unique and doesn't guarantee the same results for your case, it can help to get a glimpse of how the legal process works in personal injury claims with spinal and neck damage.

Uninsured motorist coverage and wrongful death claims

It can be yet another devastating blow to learn that the person who killed someone you love in a car accident doesn't have a high enough policy to cover the wages your family will lose. But don't despair. There is a way to seek these damages. Click to learn more about uninsured motorist coverage in wrongful death claims

How do accident victims receive financial compensation? [VIDEO]

There are a few categories in which accident victims are awarded compensation after an accident: 

  • Medical bills from a motor vehicle crash: At fault drivers are responsible for paying all medical expenses incurred. Also, they must pay all future medical bills that are likely to be incurred. 
  • Lost wages: This includes past wage loss from the accident, as well as future wage loss, i.e. future physical therapy visits that require time off work. 
  • General damages: Includes pain and suffering, mental anguish - all the things you can't put an exact price tag on. A good lawyer will make insurance company see how the accident has effected the client. 

For more information, please see this video on how accident victims are compensated after a collision with an at-fault or partially at-fault driver.

The basic steps a lawsuit goes through in one quick, easy to understand summary

It may seem daunting if a claim progresses to a lawsuit. A skilled personal injury attorney settles nearly every client’s personal injury claim in a negotiated settlement. This means that very rarely do his clients need to go to trial with a lawsuit. However, if your claim doesn’t have the resolution you wanted, you still have the option to file suit. Your lawyer will step you through the process, explaining things as you go. But here is the gist of what to expect during a lawsuit

If a loved one died in an accident, this could be considered a wrongful death

A wrongful death can happen in a variety of ways, from a car or truck accident to a medical procedure that goes tragically wrong. Regardless of the cause, a wrongful death is always heartbreaking, and the resulting claim takes a special kind of experience to handle effectively. When a loved one dies as the result of negligence or recklessness, family members are overwhelmed with grief, anger, and confusion as to what to do next. Often the at-fault party will deny liability and will seek to place blame elsewhere, even on the victim. The legal process can be overwhelming for family members who are mourning and trying to come to terms with what has happened. When a wrongful death happens, the legal stakes are higher and more challenging, the at-fault parties fight harder, and the process can be stressful for surviving family members. If a loved one died during an accident it is quite possible you could file a wrongful death claim. Click to learn more.