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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Freezing fog overnight caused many accidents in the area of Yakima County, but only one collision on I-82 resulted in a fatality. A car with a woman and a child was first involved in a two-vehicle wreck on westbound I-82, but when the woman stepped out of her damaged vehicle, a third car collided with both of the cars from the initial collision, which fatally wounded the woman and seriously injured the child she was holding at the time, as well as sent two other people to the hospital. More cars became involved in the pileup afterwards, but no more people were taken to the hospital.

Monday, December 15, 2014

The accident started at about 7:15am, when Jamilent Miranda, 26, was attempting to pass Guadarrama, who was driving a semi-truck, but ended up losing control of her vehicle and striking the semi-truck. The collision caused Miranda's vehicle to come to rest in the median, but the semi-truck ended up crossing the median into opposing traffic and striking a pickup driven by Byma. Both Guadarrama and Byma were injured in the accident, but have already been treated and released. Miranda was uninjured, but has pending charges.