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A graying population means more older drivers on the roads

If we live to a certain age, it will happen to all of us. Sight and hearing become diminished, and reaction time gets longer. There are more cars on most roads, which means more potential hazards from other drivers. Even speed limits are set higher on many highways than they were decades ago. All these factors combine to make driving dangerous for anyone, but it’s especially risky for those who have diminished senses. For more information on car accidents involving elderly drivers, go here.

Cases involving elderly drivers have particular challenges

Bellingham is well-suited for retirees. The pace of life here is relaxed, the environment is beautiful with so many ways to enjoy it. Many choose to leave big cities and their problems behind in their later years.  However, when a driver – at any age – doesn’t pay heed to their limitations and injures someone as a result, this may constitute negligence or break a law. If you are the victim in a car accident case like this, you may be entitled to damages that resulted. 

Car accidents that involve an elderly driver can be complicated

If an elderly driver hit you, you may be feeling lots of emotions. Not just from the trauma of having been in a car accident, but the reluctance to bring a claim against an older person. However, the truth of the matter is that you were injured in an accident, and the person who hit you may present a continued threat against him or herself and other drivers. Filing a claim may then not just help you come to a full recovery but perhaps convince the older driver to look for safer modes of transportation. For insights on what to do next if you've been injured by an older driver, follow this link.