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Woman's lawyers win her case after being injured in an accident with two drunk drivers while riding on a motorcycle

Accident Type: 
Motorcycle Accident
Incident Date: 
Saturday, July 10, 1982
Result Date: 
Wednesday, June 1, 1983
Monetary Result: 
On July 10, 1982, at 11: 20 p.m.Sharon Crigger, a 36-year-old federal crop insurance adjuster with the Department of Agriculture, was riding as a passenger on the back of Kermit Johansson's motorcycle at Fruit and Ashlan Avenue. Ms. Crigger and Mr. Johansson were driving west on Ashlan when Patrick McHatton was traveling in a southbound direction on Fruit Avenue. The two vehicles collided with each other at the intersection controlled by light signals. Both drivers argued that they had the green light. Ms. Crigger was severely injured. She sustained several pelvic fractures, requiring 50 units of blood. She also suffered nerve injuries to her right leg and right arm, including her right shoulder, leaving her with residual dysfunction of the deltoid and triceps muscles of the right arm, which restricts her from strenuous activity, and in her work. She was in intensive care for nine days, and in the hospital for two months. She subsequently sued both Mr. Johansson and Mr. McHatton for their individual roles in causing the accident. Crigger had been dating Johansson for about a year prior to the accident, and they had been on a river rafting outing early that day. All the people involved consumed alcoholic beverages that day, although no blood alcohol content was taken from Ms. Crigger, who could not remember the incident due to her injuries. Mr. McHatton was arrested for felony drunk driving. McHatton argued that he had consumed four or five beers during the hour prior to the accident, and that he was on his way home. He was intending to continue driving south on Fruit avenue at the intersection, and had the green light. Physical factors of the accident indicated that his account was inconsistent, however. It appeared that he was making a left hand turn, and, further, was traveling at 15 to 20 m.p.h. at the time of the accident. Mr. McHatton admitted he was partially at fault, but argued that Mr. Johansson was also negligent, and that Ms. Crigger was comparatively negligent for getting onto the motorcycle with an impaired driver. Defendant Johansson claimed that he was traveling at 35 m.p.h., and that he had the green light. He further argued that he had no notice of the other motor vehicle until he was some twenty feet from the intersection, which time he caught a glimpse of the other vehicle, and at that point he attempted to take evasive action and brake, but was unable to apply his brake prior to impacting the motor vehicle. Defendant Johannson denied any liability. Both the plaintiff and the defendant brought expert witnesses to the stand. An accident reconstructionist testified on behalf of Ms. Crigger, testifying that even if both of the vehicles had the green light, that Mr. Johannson could have taken evasive action, and should have been able to reduce the speed of his motorcycle from 35 m.p.h. to 22 m.p.h., based on normal reaction time, had he not been drunk. Mr. Blair stated that this reduction of speed would reduce the velocity of impact by 60%. Another expert witness testified that Mr. McHatton had a blood alcohol content of .015, and that level his perceptual abilities were impaired. The defendant's expert witness testified that in his opinion the accident was unavoidable, as there were obstructions at the intersection that kept both drivers from seeing each other. Ultimately, Ms. Crigger and her lawyers won the case for her, awarding her $558,352.32. It was found that Mr. McHatton was primarily at fault, although Mr. Johansson contributed to the accident.

Red light runners can cause some of the most common wrecks at Bellingham intersections

The amount of trust it takes to buckle yourself into a 4-ton contraption relying on physics, engineering, and technology to barrel you down a road boggles the mind, when you think about it. Adding to this the fact that millions of other drivers are doing exactly the same thing in their own vehicular universes, it’s sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. In the case of a driver breaking a law such as running a red light and hitting you, it does. At that moment, a typical drive to get to work, bring the kids home from school immediately changes your life permanently. If someone ran a red light and hit you, you have options. Click to learn more about what they are.

Red light runners put everyone in their path at risk

Every time we buckle up in a car and hit the road, we have an unspoken - and legal - agreement that we will all follow the law and drive safely. However, not everyone will maintain this agreement at all times. Intersections are particularly important places to adhere to this agreement, as vehicles cross each others' paths, sometimes at high speeds. If you were  hit by someone who ran a red light, someone didn't keep up their end of the bargain. Click for more information on what to do.

Motorcyclist and his lawyers win his case after being injured in an accident with a vehicle in a funeral procession that ran a red light

Accident Type: 
Motorcycle Accident
Result Date: 
Thursday, September 27, 2001
Monetary Result: 
John McCord was stopped at an intersection in Sacramento County, California on his motorcycle as a funeral procession was passing by on a cross-street. When the light turned green, he entered the intersection. A vehicle in the funeral procession, operated by Ivan Semenyuk, ran the red light, assuming he had the right-of-way in the procession, striking McCord. As a result of the accident, McCord suffered a fractured pelvis, requiring a total hip replacement, and a knee injury.  Mr. McCord decided to sue the parties involved in his accident, including Semenyuk; Wayne McMahon, the funeral escort officer controlling both the procession and the intersection; the California Funeral Escort Company and its owner, Sam Oliver; and the Lind Brothers Mortuary.  Mr. McCord and his lawyers argued that McMahon, the escort officer, was negligent in leaving the intersection before the procession had fully crossed it. He also argued that the mortuary company was negligent for only hiring a single motorcycle escort for a procession involving 50 to 75 cars over a six mile journey to the cemetary. In addition, Semenyuk was negligent for running the red light when the escorting officer was not present at the intersection. Semenyuk argued that while he did run the red light, the other defendents were responsible, since they had failed to control the intersection and the procession. The other defendents argued that the negligence was Semenyuk's alone, as he ran the red light when the escort officer was not present or in control of the intersection. In addition, the defending parties argued that the knee injury was pre-existing and that McCord would not require any future knee or hip surgeries. In the end, the jury sided with Mr. McCord and his attorneys. They awarded him $790,000, finding Semenyuk 5% liable, and McMahon and his employer 95% liable. The mortuary was not found liable.