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The challenges of a wrongful death claim against a trucking company

A vehicle accident is scary, frightening, and awful. When that wreck results in the death of your loved one, it is one of the hardest things in life to go through. If it’s because of a truck driver or company’s negligence, it’s unconscionable. While you might want to file a lawsuit against the responsible parties, the thought of that might feel insurmountably difficult. You know it will be a long, uphill battle, and will take lot of mental and emotional preparation. Truck companies can be ruthless in dealing with accident victims, and will be trying to discredit you or simply fluster and frustrate you when you’re grieving, and just trying to stay afloat after a loved one’s death. Is your best option to simply take what the trucking company offers you in a wrongful death claim

This massive semi and car accident demonstrates that size does matter in crash safety

Though engineering and materials are increasingly sophisticated in manufacturing safer cars, certain factors will always favor larger vehicles. For information on the top five safest vehicles in crashes, and what you should do if you are injured in a car accident, click here for this article from Bill Coats Law, a personal injury law firm in Bellingham WA who helps victims of drunk and distracted drivers. 

One case study of how an expert witness made all the difference for an injured truck driver

When dealing with the aftermath of an accident, one can feel overwhelmed and isolated. There are many decisions to make, and many different agendas of other people and companies trying to influence those decisions. And an accident victim wants only to focus on healing. Here is a short case study of how one commercial truck driver in Bellingham, Washington, was injured in a fluke accident due to someone else's mistake, and how his case relied on the testimony of an expert witness