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More factors than meet the eye can affect a pedestrian accident case

In this personal injury case won by Bellingham lawyer Bill Coats, he found compensation for the husband who witnessed his wife hit by a negligent truck driver.

One case where bone fractures and psychological trauma were justly compensated

Witnessing the pain of a loved one can be traumatic. In this case represented by Bellingham personal injury lawyer Bill Coats, the pedestrian hit by a truck sustained fractures in both ankles. Her husband also was awarded compensation for the psychological impact of witnessing his wife's accident and caring for her through her recovery. 

A tomato is a vegetable, and other Supreme Court rulings

While the following cases may seem somewhat ridiculous, they have import into our society and culture that continues today. Want to find out who owns heaven and hell? Click to read this article on bizarre Supreme Court cases and the laws that shape our culture

Who owns the real estate of heaven and hell? This was one for the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has decided a broad array of cases, many of which have shaped our culture. In the case mentioned in this article's title, the Justices looked to an old Latin phrase to determine if the chicken farmer whose birds were dying of fright from the noise of nearby airstrip had a case. Think I'm joking? Read this article from Bellingham personal injury lawyer Bill Coats on some bizarre cases.

What do auto accident victims need to know about wage loss? [VIDEO]

If you or a loved one has been in an auto accident and experienced wage loss, or you're looking at having to re-train for a lower paying job because your injuries will prevent you from going back to what you used to do, you've got options. Click here to learn about wage loss, future wage loss, and your rights as an auto accident victim.

Being ejected from a vehicle in a crash may change your working life forever after

If you've been in a collision where you were ejected from the vehicle, it's very likely that you're dealing with some severe injuries. Sometimes those injuries prevent accident victims from going back to the same job they used to have. This doesn't mean you are fated to settle for a lower paying job for the rest of your working life. Click here for an article and video about wage loss, future wage loss, and your options.

If your auto accident left you paralyzed, you may be entitled to compensation for future wage loss

Paralysis is a devastating consequence from an auto accident, one of the worst imaginable. Life will be different forever after, and many victims may have to leave a job and be re-trained for another kind that accommodate such a disability, though that may mean less pay. If so, there is a way to be compensated for that wage gap, and it's known as "future wage loss" in personal injury lawyer terms. Click to learn more about what to do if you're facing future wage loss due to paralysis

A little known fact on reimbursing your health insurer after your claim is paid

It often comes as a surprise to personal injury victims that after their insurance claim has settled, they may be writing a big check to their health insurance company. I created this video from my blog to talk about the process of reimbursing your health insurance company after your personal injury claim settles and what you need to know.

Who you may have to pay after your auto accident claim is paid

Most accident victims don't know when they sign up for their auto or health insurance policy that if they are hurt in an accident due to someone else's fault, they may have to reimburse their own health insurance company for paying medical bills. However, it's not as bad as it sounds. I made this video to educate consumers on reimbursing health insurers after an auto accident.