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Signs, Symptoms and Seriousness of TBI

The symptoms of TBI can be subtle, even things that most people experience now and then normally. But the effects of them can be serious, even deadly. Click to learn more from personal injury lawyer Bill Coats of Bellingham, WA about how to recognize a TBI and the #1 thing you should do immediately if you hurt your head in a car accident

A helmet might not protect you from this if you're hit by a car

Though the technology and design improves more and more with each year, bicycle helmets can't always protect bicyclists from TBI. If you've hit your head in a bike crash, know the signs and symptoms of this all too common problem, from this post by bike accident attorney Bill Coats Law in Bellingham WA. 

Do you protect this most precious asset while on the water? Probably not

Life jackets on a boat are a must for safety, but unlike riding a bike, no boater would think to don a helmet on the water. So often all that separates our brains from serious injury with a hard object is our skull. If you've been hit in the head and are experiencing symptoms of TBI, seek a doctor's help immediately. To recognize the symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury, click here.

TBI can be especially common for passengers in a bus accident

Seat belts are known to protect those in cars and trucks, and are by law required to be worn. However, this is not the case for bus passengers. In the event of a serious bus accident, head injuries are not uncommon. If you have experienced a head injury in a bus accident, be aware of the signs and symptoms of TBI. 

Motor vehicle accidents are a regular occurrence in LaCrosseEau Claire, LaCrosse County, and Eau Claire County. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the communities in this vast region.

Truckers are a growing motorist group using Wisconsin’s highways, and commercial trucking accidents occur regularly in the La Crosse and Eau Claire regions. When a truck crash happens, serious injuries and fatalities are a common result.

Common causes of commercial truck accidents in La Crosse and Eau Claire

According to IIHS, a large percentage of trucking crashes are caused by:

According to the U.S. Coast Guard, nationally from 2013 to 2014, deaths increased from 560 to 610, an 8.9% increase, injuries increased from 2,620 to 2,678, a 2.2% increase and the total number of accidents increased from 4,062 to 4,064, a 0.05% increase. Where the cause of death was known, 78% of fatal boating accident victims drowned; of those drowning victims, 84% were not wearing a life jacket.

At one point or another, everyone is a pedestrian. As the expense of driving and insuring a vehicle rise, more and more people choose to walk to their destinations. As the number of pedestrians increases, so do the number of pedestrian accidents. To see where the La Crosse and Eau Claire regions rank in terms of pedestrian collisions nationally, please go to this National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report.

While rare compared to other types of motor-vehicle crashes, aircraft accidents do happen regularly, usually with devastating results. Despite significant safety improvements over the past decades, many people each year experience the pain of losing someone in an airplane crash.

The size and speed of trains brings death and destruction to anyone and anything in their path. The main forms of train accidents are train derailments, train and pedestrian accidents, and train and car accidents.

To learn about train accidents in Wisconsin, go to the Federal Railroad Administration site.