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Lane departure crashes can have devastating consequences

Accidents can happen so fast. Especially at highway speeds, a vehicle can act like a battering ram. And when that vehicle comes straight at you, it’s one of the scariest experiences in the world. One term for this is “lane departure crashes” which doesn’t quite live up to the intensity of the trauma being run off the road(link is external) brings on. If you or a loved one has been run off the road in Bellingham or Whatcom County, you are likely facing extensive damages and are looking ahead at a lengthy process of recovery. Click to learn more.

Calculating wage loss is an important aspect of assessing damages

One of the most important aspects of figuring out a fair settlement is including money for lost wages. Lost wages don't just mean the time off of work someone had to take while recovering from injuries. What if you can't go back to the same job you had before and must take a lower paying job instead? Check out this video on wage loss to determine if you might be due more money for your claim than the insurance company is trying to offer.

Being ejected from a vehicle in a crash may change your working life forever after

If you've been in a collision where you were ejected from the vehicle, it's very likely that you're dealing with some severe injuries. Sometimes those injuries prevent accident victims from going back to the same job they used to have. This doesn't mean you are fated to settle for a lower paying job for the rest of your working life. Click here for an article and video about wage loss, future wage loss, and your options.

If your auto accident left you paralyzed, you may be entitled to compensation for future wage loss

Paralysis is a devastating consequence from an auto accident, one of the worst imaginable. Life will be different forever after, and many victims may have to leave a job and be re-trained for another kind that accommodate such a disability, though that may mean less pay. If so, there is a way to be compensated for that wage gap, and it's known as "future wage loss" in personal injury lawyer terms. Click to learn more about what to do if you're facing future wage loss due to paralysis

What kinds of damages are available in a wrongful death lawsuit?

Bill Coats Law, a personal injury firm in Bellingham, WA, specializes in wrongful death lawsuits and the complexities of car accident cases. A common question when family members come out of the fog and trauma of losing a loved one in a car accident is what kinds of damages are available to help them dig out of the financial tragedy. Click to read about your rights in wrongful death lawsuits

Being hit from behind on a motorcycle can have devastating consequences

It’s not always so cut and dry who is at fault in a rear-end collision. Usually it’s the fault of the driver who was following behind. Sometimes it’s easy to determine, but other cases have other complications. The insurance companies, you can rest assured, have a group of people whose job it is to find loopholes where there is a gray area. And just about every case has some gray area. So what do you do if you have been hit by someone from  behind when you were on a motorcycle? Find out here.

Ever had to slam on your brakes when driving through Bellingham to avoid a rear-end crash?

 It happens when, of course, Bellingham drivers least expect it – a big rig up ahead has spilled its load, or a distracted driver swerves into the lane ahead, creating chaos for other drivers. Or maybe a herd of deer crosses a Whatcom county road. Here’s what to do so you can avoid a rear-end collision by learning more about panic stops.

One thing you can do to help prevent rear end collisions in foggy conditions

Here's a hint: turn your lights off! But only if you have stopped well away from the roadway. For the explanation of why you'd ever want to turn off your lights in the fog, and more tips on getting through it safely, head over to the blog for lawyer Bill Coats from Bellingham, Washington, a place that's quite familiar with fog and rain.

When a car and train collide, the results can be deadly

Trains' whistles are often heard in Bellingham, and all through Whatcom County as well as Skagit County. As we are located in a busy corridor for trains traveling along the coast, their visits through here are increasingly frequent. Where cars and trains meet, sometimes deadlly accidents occur. Learn more about what factors can cause accidents at railroad crossings, and how dangerous it is for cars in an accident with a train.

What to do if you were in a motor vehicle and train crash?

It’s a scary thought, and luckily a fairly rare occurrence. Sometimes it’s a defect in the track. Other times, equipment failure. Sometimes a crash is due to a driver’s error.But nearly all cars that are hit by trains sustain devastating damages, and so do the people in them. Railroad companies will hire a team of private investigators to assess train crossing accidents, and are ready to employ them at the scene of any accident. The companies do not want to be held accountable for accidents that may have been due to their mistake. So what do you do if you've been in a vehicle crash with a train?