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5 Tips to help you during the first conversation with the insurance adjuster after a car accident
Many accident victims are nervous about their first contact with the insurance company’s adjuster, and justifiably so. Assuming anyone who was recently in a car wreck is dealing with injuries and emotional stress that come from a traumatizing event, it’s hard to think clearly through a claim negotiation. Here are some tips for that first contact with the insurance adjuster to help you advocate for yourself or a loved one and set the stage for financial recovery instead of further anxiety and financial stress.
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Negligence is the key issue in most personal injury cases
Negligence is one of the biggest factors in personal injury - otherwise known as tort - cases. The idea behind negligence is the belief that every member of society is supposed to act responsibly and avoid putting other people at risk – much like the golden rule. Every time someone is hurt doesn’t automatically mean negligence was involved, however. So it’s up to the plaintiff to show that a reasonably prudent person in the defendant’s position would have done things differently under those same circumstances, and that would have avoided the problem in the first place. To learn more about negligence and how it factors into personal injury claims, click here.