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Will your lost wages be covered if the at-fault driver carries no insurance? Most likely, yes!

States like Washington require insurance companies to include uninsured/underinsured motorist protection to all policy holders unless they specifically opt-out of this coverage. This might come in handy if you've been hit in a car accident by someone who has no insurance or not enough, and you've had to take time off work - or can never work again. Click to learn more about your options for covering wage loss if the driver who hit you has no insurance.

The #1 tip for proving wage loss in accident claims

In wrongful death claims, it may be critical to the deceased's family that lost wages be proven. This is not always a straightforward process, and insurance companies have strict requirements on how lost wages are accounted. Click to read this article from Bill Coats Law in Bellingham WA about how you can make your case for wage loss. 

Tips on proving wage loss to an insurance adjuster

Talking with an insurance adjuster can be difficult at any time during the claims process, but all the more so when an injured person is feeling the stress from lost wages. Here are some thoughts from Bill Coats Law in Bellingham, WA on what's at stake and what an insurance adjuster will require in paying lost wage claims

Calculating wage loss is an important aspect of assessing damages

One of the most important aspects of figuring out a fair settlement is including money for lost wages. Lost wages don't just mean the time off of work someone had to take while recovering from injuries. What if you can't go back to the same job you had before and must take a lower paying job instead? Check out this video on wage loss to determine if you might be due more money for your claim than the insurance company is trying to offer.

At one point or another, everyone is a pedestrian. As the expense of driving and insuring a vehicle rise, more and more people choose to walk to their destinations. As the number of pedestrians increases, so do the number of pedestrian accidents. To see where the Topeka region ranks in terms of pedestrian collisions nationally, please go to this National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report.

Questions about personal injury law? Find the answers on this YouTube channel

After an automobile accident, it's natural to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what happens next. Bill Coats Law, in Bellingham Washington, has put together a YouTube Channel to answer some common question in hopes to help accident victims start on the right path to full financial recovery. Click here to get the answers you need.

What do auto accident victims need to know about wage loss? [VIDEO]

If you or a loved one has been in an auto accident and experienced wage loss, or you're looking at having to re-train for a lower paying job because your injuries will prevent you from going back to what you used to do, you've got options. Click here to learn about wage loss, future wage loss, and your rights as an auto accident victim.

If your auto accident left you paralyzed, you may be entitled to compensation for future wage loss

Paralysis is a devastating consequence from an auto accident, one of the worst imaginable. Life will be different forever after, and many victims may have to leave a job and be re-trained for another kind that accommodate such a disability, though that may mean less pay. If so, there is a way to be compensated for that wage gap, and it's known as "future wage loss" in personal injury lawyer terms. Click to learn more about what to do if you're facing future wage loss due to paralysis

The most important thing you'll need to prove wage loss for your accident claim

If an accident victim's injuries are serious, it will be impossible to go back to work for awhile. Many people in this situation need to file an insurance claim to cover wage loss, and have many questions about this process. Click here for information on what you need to do to show lost wages for your accident injury claim.