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The size and speed of trains brings death and destruction to anyone and anything in their path. The main forms of train accidents are train derailments, train and pedestrian accidents, and train and car accidents.

To learn about train accidents in Huntsville and Decatur, go to the Federal Railroad Administration site.

The size and speed of trains brings death and destruction to anyone and anything in their path. The main forms of train accidents are train derailments, train and pedestrian accidents, and train and car accidents.

To learn about train accidents in San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose, go to the Federal Railroad Administration site.

According to Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, in 2012, 726 lost their lives in bicycle/motor vehicle crashes nationally, just under two people every day of the year in the U.S. The death rate from bicycle crashes is high due to the relative lack of protection bicyclists have in an impact with a motor vehicle.

According to Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, in 2012, 726 lost their lives in bicycle/motor vehicle crashes nationally, just under two people every day of the year in the U.S. The death rate from bicycle crashes is high due to the relative lack of protection bicyclists have in an impact with a motor vehicle.

According to Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, in 2012, 726 lost their lives in bicycle/motor vehicle crashes nationally, just under two people every day of the year in the U.S. The death rate from bicycle crashes is high due to the relative lack of protection bicyclists have in an impact with a motor vehicle.

According to Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, in 2012, 726 lost their lives in bicycle/motor vehicle crashes nationally, just under two people every day of the year in the U.S. The death rate from bicycle crashes is high due to the relative lack of protection bicyclists have in an impact with a motor vehicle.

According to Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, in 2012, 726 lost their lives in bicycle/motor vehicle crashes nationally, just under two people every day of the year in the U.S. The death rate from bicycle crashes is high due to the relative lack of protection bicyclists have in an impact with a motor vehicle.

According to Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, in 2012, 726 lost their lives in bicycle/motor vehicle crashes nationally, just under two people every day of the year in the U.S. The death rate from bicycle crashes is high due to the relative lack of protection bicyclists have in an impact with a motor vehicle.

Bicycling is becoming more popular in the Sacramento, Stockton, and Modesto regions. Organizations such as Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates have countless resources such as bike friendly businesses, bicycle maps of the Sacramento region and a calendar of upcoming events.

Bicycling is becoming more popular in the Houston region. Organizations such as BikeHouston and PedalHouston provide information and resources to local bikers or tourists in the area offering services like bike maps and free workshops for bicycle repair.