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Thursday, March 12, 2015
Alex Chambrella allegedly lit a fire in the basement of a house located on Edgemont lane before fleeing in a relative's car. He then crashed that car into his own car as well as a nearby parked one, and then flipped the relative's car on Coe Road after hitting a patch of ice. After leaving the crashed car he caught a ride from a passer-by to a nearby apartment complex. He then wandered around the complex banging on doors, allegedly, "looking for his next wife." When police arrived to arrest him he was wearing only pajama pants and claimed to be God.
Friday, December 19, 2014

A woman attempted to steal a Christmas tree froma firehouse in Ansonia. Local Boy Scouts were selling the trees as a fundraiser in the firehouse parking lot. As the woman was pulling away in her car, she reportedly struck a firefighter who was in the parking lot. She then fled onto Pulaski Highway, hit a large truck, and fled from the scene of that crash as well. Police were able to find and arrest her as her car had sustained serious damage. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured.