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Intersections are dangerous places where bikes and cars meet

Many bike accidents could have been prevented, which means someone was at fault. And in instances where a driver failed to field at an intersection, the consequences can be deadly for bicyclists. Many drivers who hit a bike claim that they didn’t see the rider, and failed to yield the right of way. While that may be true, it could also be from negligence or carelessness on their part. If you've been hit by a car on your bike, click here to learn more.

Bicyclists who are hit by a hit and run driver still have options for financial recovery

A hit and run accident that happens to a bicycle rider is unconscionable. In most accidents between a car and a bike, the bicyclist is the one with the far greater injuries. On a bicycle, you are much more vulnerable to impact than in a car, even at relatively low speeds. If the driver takes off, added to the pain of the injuries is the frustration and anger at that terrible response. Even if the driver who hit you while you were on bicycle is never found, you have options for recovery. Click to learn what they are.

How do personal injury lawyers get paid? [VIDEO]

If you're in an accident, and you're hurt, you probably can't work. Maybe just for a short time, maybe you'll never be able to return to that job again. You might have injuries that needed medical help, and you're getting bills in the mail. If you decide to go after the person whose mistake harmed you, does this mean you've got to pay high lawyer's fees in order to get good legal help? 

Personal injury attorneys aren't paid that way in most tort law cases. So how do personal injury attorneys get paid? Hint: it's not until you do. Bill Coats, of Bill Coats Law, explains how contingency fees apply in personal injury cases.  Click here to watch this video explaining contingency fees.


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Content Marketing is probably failing you.

  Over and over again we find that attorneys like you are being left high and dry when it comes to content marketing efforts. You are blogging in earnest about important topics, but few people read your posts.  

Accident Data Center reaches over 400,000 users per month. How do they find the site? This video explains how:


You have legal options if you were "doored" by a car while on your bike

It’s not just embarrassing – being “doored” while on a bicycle can be lethal. Being doored means a bike rider slams into the door of a vehicle that has been opened negligently. Sometimes the bike zone is actually in a dangerous place, or riding in this zone is unavoidable. This can happen on any road where bikes travel alongside cars parked parallel to the street. Depending on your state, there are laws against it, which means being doored can mean there was an at-fault party. But this doesn’t mean the claim would be so cut and dried. Click here to learn about your legal options if you were "doored" by a car while riding your bike.

Tips on what to do next if your child was hit by a car

Kids love bikes – from a bigwheel to a ten-speed. But even with the necessary safety gear and careful supervision, accidents can happen. A child can be hit by a vehicle in split seconds, and experience broken bones, bruises, or unthinkable injuries. When someone else is at fault it’s almost too much to bear. Even if it seems that the facts are clear, and the accident was caused by someone else, there is a legal process in filing a personal injury claim. Legal processes are complex and negotiating with the insurance companies – even if criminal charges were filed against the responsible party – can be traumatizing to all involved.  This isn’t the time to go it alone, and take on a big company yourself that is in the business of saving itself money. Click the link to learn more about what to do if your child was hit by a car.