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Neck surgeries needed after a bike accident can mean expensive medical bills

Attorney Bill Coats’ took on a personal injury case in Bellingham, Washington, that involved multiple defendants. He obtained a settlement of over $1M for his client who experienced spinal injuries after a bike crash because of some high school kids' prank that went horribly wrong. So often, an injury to the neck or spine can mean complicated surgeries as well as a high incidence of chronic pain. While this particular case's story is unique and doesn't guarantee the same results for your case, it can help to get a glimpse of how the legal process works in personal injury claims with spinal and neck damage.

Being ejected from a crash due to a drunk driver is almost too much to bear

It's not uncommon for people ejected from a vehicle in a car crash to have life-threatening injuries. When that accident is due to someone else's negligence, especially drug or drugged driving, it may seem like a cruel, needless tragedy to the victims who weren't even driving. If this kind of case has happened to you, know that you're not alone. Here's a story of one personal injury accident client for an attorney based in Whatcom County, Washington, who went through such a horrible scenario but was compensated fairly. Even if it can't turn back the clock and change what happened, it can help a victim cope. 

Who Can I Hold Liable in My Passenger Accident Injury Claim?

A driver and passenger have an unspoken agreement every time they get in a vehicle together - that they both have a responsibility to each other to make the drive as safe as possible. Yet it's ultimately the responsibility of the driver to maintain the well-being of all passengers in the car. Behaviors that go against safety - drunk and drugged driving, and distracted driving are two big examples - endanger everyone in the car and around it. These are other factors will have a dramatic impact on determining liability after an accident. Click to learn more from this Bellingham, WA accident lawyer about how negligence and liability are factored in to accident injury claims.


There's a new Halloween costume for kids this that's making waves this year: the Invisible Child. All over Pinterest, you can see parents breathessly sharing what they believe is a super-clever costume, many posts inluding a #unique hashtag, somehow missing the fact that this costume insanely dangerous.

When an uninsured motorist hits you, it can be hard to know what to do next. Here's one victim's story.

A common type of injury sustained in a motor vehicle accident is damage to the spine or pelvis. When someone is blindsided because a negligent driver "came out of nowhere" and hit them, there can be life-changing consequences. In this accident victim's story that happened in Bellingham, WA, the at-fault driver caused damage so severe that the victim was not able to return to his job after the accident - ever again. It was critical that he find money to pay for lost wages and damages he received because of the accident. Insult to injury, the motorist who hit him was uninsured. 

A personal injury attorney can help accident victims get help for lost wages

When someone is blindsided because a negligent driver "came out of nowhere" and hit them, there can be life-changing consequences. In this accident victim's story that happened in Bellingham, WA, the at-fault driver caused damage so severe that the victim was not able to return to his job after the accident - ever again. It was critical that he find money to pay for lost wages and damages he received because of the accident. Insult to injury, the motorist who hit him was uninsured. Click to learn how this accident victim was helped by a personal injury lawyer to find compensation for his lost wages due to an auto accident.

How a good personal injury attorney can help accident victims find money for lost wages

Don suffered disc injuries to his low back in an accident where the at-fault driver pulled into traffic and struck the side of Don’s classic 1955 Ford T-Bird. Don’s injuries were severe enough that he could not return to his physically demanding work as a paramedic. Although Don was close to retirement, he was counting on a few more good work years. Here is one accident victim's story of how a good personal injury attorney helped him find money for lost wages, despite the fact that the at-fault driver did not have car insurance

How a careful attorney can use the principle of “divide and conquer” to obtain over a million dollar settlement for his client

In this case study, a personal injury attorney in Bellingham, WA used a "divide and conquer" strategy to find the maximum settlement for his client, the victim of a teenage prank. The victim, a bicyclist caught in a trap some high school boys had laid, required neck surgery to treat his debilitating pain. While this is one unique case, it shows how a lawyer can utilize his knowledge of the complexities of the legal system to find compensation for accident victims.

Putting aside the fact that teenagers are semi-brainless fools* who shouldn't be allowed to drive at all, the fact remains that children are still routinely being granted the right to be behind the wheel. Heaven help us. While this monumental lapse of judgment remains the law of the land, here are the states where teenagers fare best (and worst), according to WalletHub

Bellingham WA lawyer helps client find compensation for hip dislocation due to accident

If you have been injured in a car accident that wasn't your fault, it can help to hear that you're not alone. That you do have options, and there are ways to recover some of what you lost financially. It takes money to be able to recover from serious injuries like a hip dislocation and bone fractures, like this car accident victim hit by a distracted driver. Sometimes your best option is to seek legal expertise to make sure you receive a fair settlement for your damages and losses. Here is one client's story.