Advanced Search

Monday, December 8, 2014

The two brothers Kelv’ron Florence and Apollo Brown were walking home along Bryan Road from a basketball game at school when they were hit by a truck that fled the scene. They were rushed to a local hospital to recieve treatment. Apollo Brown, the younger of the two brothers, later died from his injuries and Kelv’ron Florence is still listed as critical. The police are looking for a newer model, metallic silver Toyota Tacoma with fog light covers along with the grill emblem, a missing headlight, and damage to the front passenger side.

Monday, December 8, 2014

The two brothers Kelv’ron Florence and Apollo Brown were walking home along Bryan Road from a basketball game at school when they were hit by a truck that fled the scene. They were rushed to a local hospital to recieve treatment. Apollo Brown, the younger of the two brothers, later died from his injuries and Kelv’ron Florence is still listed as critical. The police are looking for a newer model, metallic silver Toyota Tacoma with fog light covers along with the grill emblem, a missing headlight, and damage to the front passenger side.