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Anyone who has been involved in a serious motorcycle accident in Yakima, Pasco, Richmond, Kennewick, or anywhere in Central Washington knows how scary and surreal the experience can be. The slow-motion nature of the accident itself, the sense of helplessness and fear during the event, and those awful moments following the crash when the extent of injury is unknown and the wait for help seems to take forever. And after a fatality motorcycle collision, the shock and trauma for all people involved can be unimaginable.

Anyone who has been involved in a serious bicycle accident in Yakima, Pasco, Richmond, Kennewick, or anywhere in Central Washington knows how scary and surreal the experience can be. The slow-motion nature of the crash itself, the sense of helplessness and fear during the event, and those dreadful moments following the bike crash when the extent of injury is unknown and the wait for help takes forever. And for a fatality bicycle collision, the shock and trauma for all people involved can be unimaginable.

Anyone who has been involved in a serious accident with a commercial truck in Yakima, Pasco, Richmond, Kennewick, or anywhere in Eastern Washington knows how terrifying and surreal the experience can be. The slow-motion nature of the truck crash itself, the sense of helplessness and fear during the event, and those awful moments following the collision when the extent of injury is unknown and the wait for help seems to take forever. And for a fatality accident, the shock and trauma for all people involved can be unimaginable.

Anyone who has been involved in a serious pedestrian accident in Yakima or anywhere in Central Washington knows how terrifying the experience can be. The slow-motion nature of the crash itself, the sense of helplessness and fear during the event, and those awful moments following the crash when the extent of injury is unknown and the wait for help seems to take forever. And for a fatality collision, the shock and trauma for all people involved can be unimaginable.

Anyone who has been involved in a serious car, motorcycle, bicycle, or pedestrian accident in Yakima, Pasco, Richmond, Kennewick, or anywhere in Central Washington, knows how frightening and traumatic the experience can be. And for a fatality collision, the shock and trauma for all people involved can be unimaginable.

Anyone who has been involved in a serious car, motorcycle, bicycle, or pedestrian accident in Yakima or anywhere in Central Washington, knows how frightening and traumatic the experience can be. And for a fatality collision, the shock and trauma for all people involved can be unimaginable.

After any car accident, regardless of how serious the damage and injuries, an insurance claim is typically launched.

Here is an overview of the process and valuable information on insurance claims and settlements.

An insurance adjuster’s job is to:

When someone dies as the result of an accident or a negligent act in Yakima, Pasco, Richmond, Kennewick, or anywhere in Central Washington, certain survivors may file a wrongful death claim against the responsible party. The goal of a wrongful death claim is to recover financial compensation for the deceased's medical bills, funeral and burial expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and loss of their companionship.

On Tuesday, Antoinette Jordan experienced every mother’s worst nightmare. After picking up her children from an Orlando daycare, she came back out to find that her car—along with her 9-month-old daughter—had disappeared. Jordan told reporters: "I thought somebody kidnapped her because my oldest daughter said, 'It was two white males [who] got in the car and they just left.'"

ATV rider and his lawyers win case against Honda Motor Company for negligent vehicle design

Accident Type: 
Other Type of Accident
Result Date: 
Monday, May 4, 1992
Monetary Result: 
  Robert Rangel, 17, was riding his Honda three-wheeled all-terrain-vehicle at a popular off-road riding area in Southern California when he collided with a dunebuggy at a blind curve. In the accident, Rangel lost the use of his left arm, suffered possible brain damage, and facial injuries. He underwent one surgery and two hopitalizations totaling ten days. Due to his injuries, Rangel hired an attorney to sue the makers and dealers of the ATV, the Honda Motor Company. He and his lawyers alleged that the vehicle's design did not permit him to turn in time for the accident. In addition, formal training should have been recommended by the constructor and the dealers of the vehicle. They also claimed that a roll-over structure should have been a saftey feature on this ATV. Honda and its lawyers countered that Rangel entered a blind curve on the wrong side of the path and that he was at excessive speed. In the end, the jury sided with Rangel and his lawyers, awarding him $4,200,000, however he was found 80% at fault. Honda was found 5% at fault and the dealers 15%. Due to a joint and several liability law, which provided that a party at fault with the means to pay the full liability must do so, Honda payed Rangel $840,000.