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Monday, March 16, 2015

An ambulance was stolen from 2121 Main Street at around 10 a.m., and recovered 30 minutes later when the man that stole the vehicle crashed it into a 3 Men Movers Truck. "Lord Jesus Christ told me to steal the ambulance," he told a KHOU 11 News photographer after he was taken into custody. One of the workers for 3 Men Movers was hospitalized, with no word on his condition.

Friday, November 22, 2013
Police said a crash that landed two paramedics in the hospital triggered a series of events that led to a deadly motorcycle crash. Paramedics were treating a female dancer from Fantasy Plaza for an injury around 2:30 a.m. Saturday, according to Houston police. While she and the paramedics were in the ambulance on the North Freeway feeder road, a truck slammed into the back of the ambulance.