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Every auto insurance policy should have this kind of protection

It's called uninsured/underinsured motorist protection, and all policies in Washington state are by law supposed to include it unless the policy holder specifically opts out. If your injuries and losses are more expensive than the at-fault driver's policy can cover, it's a critical part of your financial recovery after a car accident. Click to learn more.

Tips on proving wage loss to an insurance adjuster

Talking with an insurance adjuster can be difficult at any time during the claims process, but all the more so when an injured person is feeling the stress from lost wages. Here are some thoughts from Bill Coats Law in Bellingham, WA on what's at stake and what an insurance adjuster will require in paying lost wage claims

What is PIP and how does it work? [VIDEO]

Many industries have a litany of acronyms and insurance is no exception. If you've been in a car accident, PIP might be a new one for you. It stands for Personal Injury Protection and will be a key piece to your peace of mind. For an explanation of what PIP is and how it works, click to watch this video by Bill Coats Law in Bellingham, WA. 

Got a new or leased vehicle? You might have to pay out big if it's wrecked

Car insurance policies are complicated, and all the more so when covering financed and leased vehicles. Here is what you need to do to protect your financial assets if you drive one.

Do you protect this most precious asset while on the water? Probably not

Life jackets on a boat are a must for safety, but unlike riding a bike, no boater would think to don a helmet on the water. So often all that separates our brains from serious injury with a hard object is our skull. If you've been hit in the head and are experiencing symptoms of TBI, seek a doctor's help immediately. To recognize the symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury, click here.

An often-overlooked key to winning settlements in personal injury cases

Negotiation, strategy, experience and skill - all of these qualities make a personal injury claim reach a successful verdict or settlement. But here is one key aspect that can easily be overlooked by personal injury attorneys working with injured people. Bill Coats Law, of Bellingham, Washington, is the top car accident law firm in the fourth corner and writes on this basic human quality that wins cases.

Things not to say if you're pulled over for distracted driving

In the State of Washington, you can be pulled over if an officer thinks you're driving while distracted - even if you are doing everything else right. This is because this behavior is so incredibly dangerous - as much if not more so as driving drunk. For recent research on how risky distracted driving is and what not to say if you're busted for it, click here.

statistics on distracted driving

It should not be a surprise to anyone anymore - distracted driving is a factor in one out of four car accidents. Whether its from texting, talking on the phone, using GPS, eating, or parenting, distractions while driving are deadly behaviors. Here are latest statistics on this epidemic problem from Bellingham, WA lawyer Bill Coats

Does size matter? In car v. semi crashes like this one, yes it does

A recent catastrophic accident involving two semi tractor trailers and six cars or pickup trucks showed how clearly large trucks have the advantage in an accident. However, does this mean cars are always going to lose in accidents with bigger vehicles? Increasingly, materials and engineering have leveled the field. Read more from Bill Coats Law in Bellingham, WA about top safety ratings for cars

12 reasons to find a personal injury attorney

Without an attorney on your side, it can be like playing football without a helmet or much knowledge of the rules and plays versus an NFL team. When it's yours and your family's financial future on the line, this is not the kind of strategy you want to use. A personal injury attorney is a game changer