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Twelve tips to improve your personal injury claim

If you've been injured and it was not your fault, you most likely have a personal injury case. What do you do this situation? Here are twelve tips and considerations in beginning a personal injury claim.

12 facts about drunk driving you should know

Everyone by now knows that drinking and driving is dangerous. Yet more and more facts come out based on current research that highlight this problem even more. From Bellingham car accident and personal injury law firm Bill Coats Law, learn more about the dangers of drinking and driving

I was the passenger in a car accident, what do I do?

Every time motorists accept a passenger into their vehicle, they form an upspoken agreement that they’ll both do what it takes to make the drive a safe one. Yet it is the driver’s ultimate responsibility to maintain the passenger’s well-being as long as that person is a passenger. Reckless, negligent driving – including drunk, drugged, or distracted driving – puts everyone in danger, especially those who are not in the driver’s seat. In case of an accident those behaviors cause or contribute to, the passenger retains the right to hold the driver liable for damages and losses that result.Click to learn more about car accidents in which the passenger was hurt.