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The size and speed of trains brings death and destruction to anyone and anything in their path. The main forms of train accidents are train derailments, train and pedestrian accidents, and train and car accidents.

To learn about train accidents in Charlotte, go to the Federal Railroad Administration site.

According to the U.S. Coast Guard, from 2013 to 2014, deaths increased from 560 to 610, an 8.9% increase, injuries increased from 2,620 to 2,678, a 2.2% increase and the total number of accidents increased from 4,062 to 4,064, a 0.05% increase. Where the cause of death was known, 78% of fatal boating accident victims drowned; of those drowning victims, 84% were not wearing a life jacket.

Truckers are a growing motorist group using North Carolina’s highways, and commercial trucking accidents occur regularly in the Charlotte region. When a truck crash happens, serious injuries and fatalities are a common result.

Common causes of commercial truck accidents in Charlotte

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a large percentage of trucking crashes are caused by:

Super sad news for fans of Dwayne Johnson and puppies everwhere: one of The Rock's new French Bulldog puppies, Brutus, had to be euthanized after eating a toxic mushroom. The action star took to his Instagram, on which he'd previously posted joyously about the new members of his family, to tell his fans about the tragedy:

When a train is involved, Bellingham wrecks usually have catastrophic results

Here in Bellingham and all through Whatcom and Skagit Counties, we share space with trains. Unfortunately, accidents happen. Sometimes it’s a defect in the track. Other times, equipment failure. Sometimes a crash is due to a driver’s error. Railroad companies will hire a team of private investigators to assess train crossing accidents, and are ready to employ them at the scene of any accident. Because of the nature of these collisions, the unfortunate fact is that most train accidents have tragic results. It may be that you must file a wrongful death lawsuit in order to receive money the train company does not want to pay. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be eligible to receive a significant settlement for the both economic and non-economic damages. It’s an enormous challenge to have to advocate for yourself or your loved ones after such a crisis, and the last things you need after this kind of accident are long negotiations and battles with the railroad company. If you are involved in an accident between a car and a train, you may want to discuss your legal options with a lawyer before trying to fight the railroad companies alone.

Highway crashes happen all too often throughout Bellingham and Whatcom County

Getting on the freeway system is a gamble every time. Every driver relies on other drivers to make good decisions, remain focused on driving, and follow the law at all times. If not, the consequences can be critically dangerous due to so many vehicles traveling at high speed. One moment of carelessness can lead to many catastrophic injuries, and even death. As I-5 travels through Bellingham, Whatcom and Skagit Counties, high speed collisions are not  uncommon. Have you been involved in a car crash on the highway? You may be wondering what to do next.

If someone is speeding and hits you, it is almost guaranteed they are at fault

Speed limits are not just recommendations, but established rules that all drivers are expected to follow while operating their vehicles on US roads. Many factors are considered by the engineers who set the limits, such as the road’s characteristics; how wide the shoulder might be, if there is one at all; road grade; and the length of a driver’s line of sight. The limits are set very carefully after an assessment of all these factors, and are meant to keep everyone safe while maintaining a healthy flow of traffic as much as possible. Speeding is against the law. However, some drivers speed, and if you are hit by a speeder, you might be facing a long, arduous recovery. If you're wondering if help is available, click the link to learn more.

How is a personal representative appointed in a wrongful death claim? [Interview]

If your loved one has been killed in an accident, you are probably hearing about this term "personal representative" perhaps for the first time. How is a personal representative appointed after a wrongful death claim? It's a legal process, not an automatic one. A personal representative must file a petition with the court asking to be appointed. Along with the petition, the court must be provided all supporting documents related to the death (i.e., certificate and will). The process can be complex even at a highly emotional and stressful time. To learn more about appointing a personal representative after a wrongful death claim, click to watch this video interview.

Accidents that involve children are some of the hardest

Seeing children hurt is too painful for many of us to bear. When a child is hurt – or killed – in an accident, the loss is catastrophic and feels at times insurmountable to the survivors. It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed and feel there is no hope. While no one can undo what’s done, there may be help to get you through this time. If the crash occurred because of someone’s negligence, especially in cases of drunk or distracted driving, or poor road safety, the injured child or the survivors may be able to file a claim or lawsuit. Click to learn more.

Pedestrian vs. Driver - who's at fault?

It’s unavoidable that motor vehicles and those on foot have to share the same roads sometimes. Almost every time that a collision occurs between them, the pedestrian receives far more damage – and sometimes dies – while the driver is unhurt. However, does this mean that it’s the driver who is also usually at fault? Sometimes it’s very clear who is at fault, such as in cases that involve drunk or distracted driving, or other illegal behaviors. Other times, it’s not so cut and dried. So how is fault determined in car accidents with pedestrians? Several factors come into play.