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Walla Walla County Coroner
The Coroner is an elected public official who is authorized by Walla Walla County, Washington, to investigate sudden, unexpected, violent, suspicious, or unnatural deaths. The purpose of the Coroner is to investigate those deaths which are of concern to the public health, safety, and welfare.
Walla Walla County Superior Court #1
Washington has 39 Superior Courts, one in each of Washington's 39 counties. Superior Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction in Washington. A Superior Court may consider all civil and criminal matters occurring within a county's boundary. The Superior Court also has exclusive jurisdiction over civil matters in which the amount in controversy is more than $75,000, felony cases, estate and probate matters, family law cases (including divorces and child custody hearings), and juvenile proceedings. They act as a court of appeal for cases from the District and Municipal Courts.
Walla Walla County District Court
Washington State district and municipal courts may consider civil and criminal matters related to misdemeanor criminal cases, traffic, non-traffic, and parking infractions, domestic violence protection orders, civil actions of $75,000 or less, and small claims up to $5,000.
Walla Walla County Bar Association
The Walla Walla County Bar Association serves local lawyers in this county of approximately 60,000 people. This organization offers continuing learning opportunities and classes to attorneys, and encourages members to engage in community service activities.
The Blue Mountain Action Council Pro Bono Program
The Pro Bono Lawyer Referral Program is a public service provided through the Access to Justice Network that offers legal referrals to qualifying low-income residents of Walla Walla and Columbia Counties in Washington state. They are a service of Blue Mountain Action Council, a community action program located in Walla Walla, Washington.
Walla Walla County Crime Victims Services
Walla Walla County offers a Crime Victim Advocacy Program to victims of crime that does not involve Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault.
Walla Walla County Public Works Department
The Walla Walla County Department of Public Works consists of a diverse staff of 59 engineers, surveyors, construction and GIS Specialists, equipment operators, road maintenance crews, mechanics and professional support staff operating across 1300 square miles in Southeast Washington. The Public Works Department is responsible for the planning, engineering, design, construction, operation and maintenance of approximately 1000 miles of county roadways, 200 bridges and over 5 miles of flood control channel. Department staff also coordinates new development transportation infrastructure design and construction, provides county-wide GIS support, and oversees the County stormwater management program.