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Indiana Courts -Finding legal aid (link is external)

We understand filing or defending a civil case in court can be very difficult. There are a lot of court rules and procedures that have to be followed. Also, some cases may require specific kinds of immediate action or have deadlines to file papers, and failing to act or missing a deadline can have serious consequences for your case. Timely legal advice can stop small problems from becoming larger ones.  The providers listed at the links on this page provide assistance with civil (not criminal) cases only. For assistance with a criminal case, you may either hire a private attorney or accept legal representation from the local public defender's office.

Iowa State Bar Association(link is external)

The Iowa State Bar Association is a vibrant, progressive organization that provides Iowa attorneys with the benefits of professional association with their colleagues. Its benefits include continuing legal education, practice aids, interaction with the judiciary and legislature, participation in reform of the law, and news regarding developments impacting the profession.  The ISBA includes lawyers young and old, newly licensed as well as retired, residents and nonresidents (including military), active and inactive, lawyers in practice, and those working for business, government, and in other lines of work. In all, the Association includes approximately 8,000 lawyers and judges in Iowa’s 99 counties and beyond. 

College of Law - The University of Iowa(link is external)

There’s a reason you’re called “Counselor.”   The most successful and effective lawyers are true counselors, offering clients incisive analysis, clear-eyed yet compassionate understanding, and creative problem solving. The world needs more lawyers who embrace the role of counselor, and at Iowa Law, we offer the best possible environment for producing them.

Drake University Law School (link is external)

With generous scholarships, and job placement and bar passage rates above the national average, Drake is recognized as a “Best Value Law School.”

Iowa Association for Justice - State Trial Lawyers (link is external)

By joining the Iowa Association for Justice, you've demonstrated a concern for improving both the  quality of your practice and the legal system in which you participate. IAJ offers programs and services that benefit members at all stages of their careers. This listing provides an overview of many of the services offered by your Association.

Legal Assistance - The Iowa State Bar Association(link is external)

 In Iowa there are limited resources and programs available to provide free civil legal assistance. When you call a program to request assistance, you will be screened for eligibility. A client is eligible for assistance if their income and assets fall within the established guidelines and if the case fits within the priorities set by the program. Not all clients who are financially eligible will be able to receive assistance because of the limited staff or volunteer resources of the programs. The program will assess your case to determine if they may be able to assist you. Your case may be handled by one of the staff attorneys at the program. In some circumstances your case will be referred to a private attorney who has volunteered to assist persons referred through a pro bono program.  

State of Iowa Official Judicial Branch(link is external)

The Iowa Judicial Branch dedicates itself to providing independent and accessible forums for the fair and prompt resolution of disputes, administering justice under law equally to all persons. 

Kansas State Bar Association (link is external)

The Kansas Bar Association (KBA) was founded in 1882 as a voluntary association for dedicated legal professionals and has more than 7,200 members, including lawyers, judges, law students, and paralegals.

University of Kansas School of Law (link is external)

Our philosophy at KU Law is to teach students the foundations of the law, then provide them with the hands-on experience necessary to begin their careers ready for practice. We offer 12 clinical programs with more than 200 clinical openings for students. The school's setting at the heart of a major research university also makes possible the 11 joint-degree programs open to law students. The most popular programs are business, health services administration, and social welfare, but joint degrees are also available in East Asian languages and cultures, economics, indigenous studies, journalism, political science, philosophy, public administration, Russian and East European studies, and urban planning.