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Traumatic Brain Injuries are not uncommon for bicyclists hit by cars

Riding a bike offers little protection between rider and the environment. If you are on your bike and are hit by a vehicle, or your crash was caused by some factor beyond your control, you are likely dealing with a lot of injuries. In a collision between a bike and a car, the injuries a bike rider receives are almost always far worse than what the driver walks away with, especially if the cyclist’s head takes the impact of the hit. If you have a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) after a bike crash, you will likely face a lot of financial problems in addition to the strain of healing from trauma. Don’t let the stress convince you that you have no options and must go it alone. You do have options for compensation for your losses and financial trouble, and are not alone in fighting the insurance companies to get full, fair, and fast compensation after your accident. Understand your rights and legal options if you have TBI after a collision by clicking here.

Bicyclists lack the protection motorists have in crashes, and that means worse injuries

Little is there to protect your body from the ground if you are thrown over your bike’s handlebars. Always wear a helmet, because it can be the only thing that protects you from injuries. Yet it is technically not a law in all cities that bicyclists must wear helmets. A car has seat belts, airbags, and other safety features that are engineered to protect driver and passengers in case of a crash. However, a bike lacks these features. Chances are, if you have wrecked your bike and gone over the handlebars, you were injured and might be facing a long road to recovery.

If this accident happened because of the recklessness or negligence of another party, don’t face the burden of finding compensation for your losses alone. Click to learn more about your legal options if you were hit on your bike.

I read a lot of crazy stuff in my line of work, but rarely am I completely blown away with someone's complete horribleness and terribleness!

Most of the time, people just drive drunk and go in the ditch or crash into a tree, or they drive sober and film themselves like giant idiots, but they never seem to multitask to a truly stupefying level. Nobody ever combines the complete disregard for human life of drunk driving with the narcissism of preserving it for the public record. But this weekend, Florida came through for us!

Maine Volunteer Lawyers Project

Pro Bono lawyers help ensure that every person in Maine has equal access to justice under the law. They provide representation for people who cannot afford it otherwise, especially when it is necessary to protect a vulnerable person’s livelihood, health or family. This is part of safeguarding our civil society, which is perhaps a lawyer’s most important professional responsibility.

State of Maine Judicial Branch

Maine's Judicial Branch's mission: to administer justice by providing a safe, accessible, efficient and impartial system of dispute resolution that serves the public interest, protects individual rights, and instills respect for the law.

Maine DOT Travel Information 511

State of Maine real-time traffic updates. 

Maine State Patrol-State Police

The Maine State Police was established in 1925 in order to enforce the laws of Maine in the rural areas. We have a proud tradition of providing police services to the citizens of the State of Maine. Using our core values of INTEGRITY, FAIRNESS, COMPASSION, and EXCELLENCE as our guide; we strive to set the example for all to follow. As Colonel, it is my honor to have the opportunity to lead this fine organization and continue to provide the exceptional service the people of Maine have come to expect.

Maine DOT

The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is a cabinet-level state agency with primary responsibility for statewide transportation by all modes of travel. MaineDOT employs approximately 1,900 people and expends or disburses more than $600 million per year, including federal, state, and local funds.

MADD-Maine, State Office

If you or a loved one has been affected by drunk driving, MADD is here to help. VICTIM/SURVIVOR 24-Hour Help Line 877.MADD.HELP

Maryland State Bar Association

The Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) is a voluntary professional individual membership organization. Although it is voluntary to join, consistently over two-thirds of Maryland’s lawyers (approximately 25,000) and judges do so to be a part of the professional organization.