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The #1 thing you need to do after an auto accident

Accident victims have a wide range of reactions after a crash, and as a personal injury lawyer here in Bellingham, WA, I have seen them all. While one might expect that someone would seek medical attention soon after a collision, that's not always the case. I created this video linked through this article on what all accident victims should do after an auto accident.

How one family recovered $2.5M to compensate for their son's senseless death

Losing a child is one of the hardest things a parent can possibly go through. When the child's death could have been prevented if only a few mistakes had not been made, the grief, the anger can feel insurmountable. Here is one family's story of how they lost their son, and the steps their Bellingham, WA lawyer took in helping them recover damages in a wrongful death lawsuit to compensate for a lifetime of loss.

One family's story of claiming wrongful death against their son's drowning

Jet skis may look like harmless fun and seem as though they are so easy to operate a child could do it. However, they are capable of high speeds and can be dangerous. Jet skis require training in order to use. When that training is not taken seriously, and children operate these vehicles without adult supervision, accidents can happen. Here is one story of how that accident resulted in the death of a teen.

How a drunk adult can contribute to a child's death without being anywhere near the accident scene

Here is one client's story of how a series of tragic mistakes in the name of having a good time drinking at the lake led to the death of a teenager. Lawyer Bill Coats represented the family of this teen in recovering $2.5M in a wrongful death lawsuit in which the adults who should have been supervising were too drunk to do so.

Ah, the majestic deer. So proud, so noble. So prone to running directly in front of your car in pursuit of some hot tail while you’re doing 70 on the interstate.

Yes, it’s that magical time of year again: the deer rut. Could there be a more repulsive term than “rut”? Maybe “moist rut”? I just threw up. The point is, all of the other animals that I haven’t written about simply call it “mating season” (I mean, I assume?), but nasty-ass slutty deer call it “the rut.” Gross, deer.

Customers at an IHOP in Meridien, Mississippi were left with a sinking feeling this weekend. Unlike most visits to IHOP, though, this sinking feeling wasn't due to the Rooty Tooty Fresh N' Fruity breakfast foods they'd just ingested, but because their cars all fell into a giant hole. 

Does it really make sense to hire a personal injury attorney?

Would knowing that settlements are typically 40% hiring with an attorney's representation help? This is what a study conducted by the Insurance Research Council found. If you understand the process of how insurance companies handle auto accident claims, the main reason won't surprise you. Click here to learn why it may be a good idea to hire a personal injury attorney for your accident claim.

Resources and tips in case you or a loved one is involved in an auto accident

As with so many things in life, it helps to be prepared with knowledge before you need it. As a wise friend once said, "It's easier to repair the roof when it's sunny than when it's raining." Hopefully you or a loved one will never need this guide, but if you drive or ride in any vehicle on the road, you might. Click here for the top ten tips on what to do after an auto accident. Also included are local resources for Washington state drivers.

A case that sounds too bad to be true: two crashes, one person, in one year

It may sound too bad to be true, but one woman was the victim of two separate crashes, just over a year apart, both of which caused her severe injuries. The second crash was because a drunk driver crossed the center line and hit her head-on. Click for this case study and how her personal injury lawyer in Bellingham, Washington helped her be compensated for her losses and pain.

How one Bellingham, Washington personal injury lawyer helped his client with a complex case

As a personal injury lawyer practicing in Bellingham, Washington, I come across a lot of heartbreaking stories. The roads can be dangerous places, and sometimes people get hurt. Here's the story of why one accident victim came to me needing help with her claims. She was hit not once, but twice, in two different accidents a year apart, including a head-on collision in which she received a closed-head injury. It was a complex case, but we found her a great outcome.