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Tips on collecting physical evidence at the scene of an auto accident

Auto accidents - no matter how minor - are shocking, scary events to all involved. First and foremost, the top priority is to get the injured medical care ASAP, as those first few moments are critical to recovery, and sometimes, survival. However, accident victims have other things to consider too. This article is intended to be shared with friends and loved ones before an accident happens, to keep in mind some things to do in the event of an accident that can help in going through the insurance claims process or even building a tort case. Click for information on the importance of collecting physical evidence after a car crash and other tips. 

Red light runners put everyone in their path at risk

Every time we buckle up in a car and hit the road, we have an unspoken - and legal - agreement that we will all follow the law and drive safely. However, not everyone will maintain this agreement at all times. Intersections are particularly important places to adhere to this agreement, as vehicles cross each others' paths, sometimes at high speeds. If you were  hit by someone who ran a red light, someone didn't keep up their end of the bargain. Click for more information on what to do.

One of the most dangerous factors contributing to accidents can affect anyone

Did you know that approximately 1 in 5 motor vehicle crashes involves a drowsy or fatigued driver? Since all bodies need to sleep - not drink alcohol or check email behind the wheel - it is not too surprising. The problem is big enough that states such as Washington sent out a press release to raise awareness about the issue of drowsy driving, and have declared National Drowsy Driving Awareness Week. Any moment a driver's eyes are away from the task of driving, whether on a phone, blurred from booze, or snoozing, are the same as driving completely blind.  Read on for tips on preventing fatigued driving.

Common factors that make a rollover accident more likely

Certain vehicles have a higher likelihood of rollover. Trucks and SUVs, with their higher center of gravity, are especially prone. Rollover accidents are some of the more dangerous types of accidents, and can involve deadly events such as ejecting passengers from the vehicle, or crushing the roof. If you have been involved in a rollover crash, it's highly likely you're facing a great deal of medical bills and expensive damages. Click to learn more about what to do next if you were the victim of a rollover car crash.


One case study of how an expert witness made all the difference for an injured truck driver

When dealing with the aftermath of an accident, one can feel overwhelmed and isolated. There are many decisions to make, and many different agendas of other people and companies trying to influence those decisions. And an accident victim wants only to focus on healing. Here is a short case study of how one commercial truck driver in Bellingham, Washington, was injured in a fluke accident due to someone else's mistake, and how his case relied on the testimony of an expert witness

The #1 thing you need to do after an auto accident

Accident victims have a wide range of reactions after a crash, and as a personal injury lawyer here in Bellingham, WA, I have seen them all. While one might expect that someone would seek medical attention soon after a collision, that's not always the case. I created this video linked through this article on what all accident victims should do after an auto accident.

How one family recovered $2.5M to compensate for their son's senseless death

Losing a child is one of the hardest things a parent can possibly go through. When the child's death could have been prevented if only a few mistakes had not been made, the grief, the anger can feel insurmountable. Here is one family's story of how they lost their son, and the steps their Bellingham, WA lawyer took in helping them recover damages in a wrongful death lawsuit to compensate for a lifetime of loss.

One family's story of claiming wrongful death against their son's drowning

Jet skis may look like harmless fun and seem as though they are so easy to operate a child could do it. However, they are capable of high speeds and can be dangerous. Jet skis require training in order to use. When that training is not taken seriously, and children operate these vehicles without adult supervision, accidents can happen. Here is one story of how that accident resulted in the death of a teen.

How a drunk adult can contribute to a child's death without being anywhere near the accident scene

Here is one client's story of how a series of tragic mistakes in the name of having a good time drinking at the lake led to the death of a teenager. Lawyer Bill Coats represented the family of this teen in recovering $2.5M in a wrongful death lawsuit in which the adults who should have been supervising were too drunk to do so.