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Oregon State Trial Lawyers Association
OTLA members must primarily represent plaintiffs in personal injury, civil rights, employment, workers' compensation or business tort litigation. OTLA provides members with the tools necessary to be the best possible advocates for their clients; including immediate access to hundreds of colleagues via OTLA listservs, cutting-edge continuing legal education seminars, political representation, first-rate professional publications and networking opportunities.
Oregon Courts -State Court Information
Oregon has circuit courts, a tax court, appellate courts, other local trial courts that are not part of the state court system, federal courts, and tribal courts. These pages contain information about state courts and a registry of other local courts; they do not have information on federal or tribal courts.
Oregon 511-TripCheck
TripCheck Mobile uses a simple menu structure formatted specifically for navigation by mobile keypads. The information provided is targeted at those motorists making ‘in route’ travel decisions. Because of this focus, certain TripCheck information is not presented in the mobile format (Scenic Byways, Rest Areas, FAQs, for example). The TripCheck Mobile site presents the same incidents and road condition information as the main web site.
State of Oregon - State Police
The mission of the Department of Oregon State Police to enhance livability and safety by protecting the people, property and natural resources of the state.
State of Oregon - Department of Transportation
The Oregon Department of Transportation began life in 1913 when the Oregon Legislature created the Oregon Highway Commission to "get Oregon out of the mud." Today, the Oregon Department of Transportation works to provide a safe, efficient transportation system that supports economic opportunity and livable communities for Oregonians. We develop programs related to Oregon’s system of highways, roads, and bridges; railways; public transportation services; transportation safety programs; driver and vehicle licensing; and motor carrier regulation.
Oregon has improved the state's drunk driving law. A mandatory interlock law in 2007, coupled with strong law enforcement efforts, has reduced drunk driving deaths by 30 percent. And, in 2011, a loophole was closed to require ignition interlocks in DUI diversion agreements, as more than half, 11,000 of 24,000, DUI offenders receive diversion agreements. MADD calls on Oregon to utilize sobriety checkpoints and no-refusal activities.
Pennsylvania State Bar Association
More than 29,000 lawyers have made the decision to be part of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and for many important reasons. The PBA promotes justice, respect for the rule of law, professional excellence, and betterment of the legal profession. The PBA is also deeply committed to enhancing public understanding of the legal system and to improving access to legal services for everyone, regardless of their ability to pay.
University of Pennsylvania Law School
Philadelphia is the birthplace of the U.S. Constitution. Millions around the globe are inspired by the decisions made here, which laid the bedrock foundation for the American legal system. In 1790, James Wilson, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, framer of the Constitution and member of the first U.S. Supreme Court, delivered the University of Pennsylvania’s first lectures in law to President George Washington and all the members of his Cabinet. Following this auspicious beginning, Penn began offering a full-time program in law in 1850, under the leadership of George Sharswood, an innovator in legal education. Since that time, Penn Law has been at the forefront of legal education in our country.
Penn State Law - Legal Education
Penn State, which is consistently ranked in the top 1 percent of universities worldwide, offers two law school choices: Dickinson Law and Penn State Law.
Pennsylvania Association of Justice
In 2018, the Pennsylvania Association for Justice will mark 50 years of commitment to preserving civil justice, and dedication to protecting the individuals’ injured in our Commonwealth. PAJustice was founded in 1968 as the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association when leadership from two ends of the state banded together, recognizing the need for a cohesive and effective statewide organization to uphold and defend the Pennsylvania legal system, including trial by jury.