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Motor vehicle accidents are a common occurrence in Lansing and across Ingham County. Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers. Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the Lansing community.

Motorcycle accidents are a common occurrence in Washington, D.C. DC is popular with motorcyclists, and with so many bikes on the roads, the number of collisions is high, and motorcycle accidents are a major safety and economic issue for riders in the region.

Get information here on Washington, D.C. motorcycle crashes and laws.

Motorcycle accidents are a common occurrence in Lansing and across Ingham County. Lansing is popular with motorcyclists, and with so many bikes on the roads, the number of collisions is high, and motorcycle accidents are a major safety and economic issue for riders in the Lansing region.

Truckers are a growing motorist group using Michigan’s highways, and commercial trucking accidents occur regularly in Lansing. When a truck crash happens, serious injuries and fatalities are a common result.

Common causes of commercial truck accidents in Lansing

According to IIHS, a large percentage of trucking crashes are caused by:

The size and speed of trains brings death and destruction to anyone and anything in their path. The main forms of train accidents are train derailments, train and pedestrian accidents, and train and car accidents.

To learn about train accidents in Washington, D.C., go to the Federal Railroad Administration site.

Tips on preventing ejection from a vehicle collision... and what to do if this terrible accident did occur

We trust that, when we buckle up in a car, it’s about keeping safer in case of an accident. When the safety systems – especially seat belts – work properly, we avoid what too often become devastating injuries. But these types of injuries do occur, and sometimes the sheer impact of a high speed collision can eject a person from the vehicle, even if all the safety features are functioning properly. If you have been in such an accident yourself, or are taking care of a loved one who was injured this way, you are likely facing serious injuries, or even mourning the loss of a someone close to you. Click here for more information on what to do after a car accident in which someone was ejected

Nationally, car accidents represent the great majority of the types of crashes that happen on U.S. roadways. However, with the increase in popularity of other types of vehicles including ATVs, UTVs, snowmobiles, jet skis, skateboards, and others, we are also seeing more serious and fatal crashes involving these types of transportation.

What to do if you were in a motor vehicle and train crash?

It’s a scary thought, and luckily a fairly rare occurrence. Sometimes it’s a defect in the track. Other times, equipment failure. Sometimes a crash is due to a driver’s error.But nearly all cars that are hit by trains sustain devastating damages, and so do the people in them. Railroad companies will hire a team of private investigators to assess train crossing accidents, and are ready to employ them at the scene of any accident. The companies do not want to be held accountable for accidents that may have been due to their mistake. So what do you do if you've been in a vehicle crash with a train?

Have you been involved in an accident on the highway?

Getting on the freeway system is a gamble every time. Every driver relies on other drivers to make good decisions, remain focused on driving, and follow the law at all times. If not, the consequences can be critically dangerous due to so many vehicles traveling at high speed. One moment of carelessness can lead to many catastrophic injuries, and even death.

Have you been involved in a car crash on the highway? Click here to learn more.

On Wednesday, a class-action lawsuit was filed in a Los Angeles federal court, accusing ten of the world's biggest automakers of concealing the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning in more than 5 million vehicles equipped with keyless ignitions. The complaint says this lack of oversight led to at least 13 poisoning deaths in the United States.