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Skagit County Sheriff
The Skagit County Sheriff's Office is committed to the safety of the citizens we serve, visitors to our community and our employees.Professionalism, enthusiasm and integrity shall be our guiding principles in accomplishing this mission.
Skagit County Public Records Requests
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Skagit County Jail
The Skagit County Sheriff's Office Corrections Division is an around the clock, 24/7 operation. Currently 40 Corrections Deputies, 5 Corrections Sergeants, and 1 Lieutenant are responsible for providing safe and secure housing for inmates being held in the custody of the Skagit County Jail. The staff of the jail is also responsible for inmate movement outside of the jail facility, such as court appearances, medical appointments, etc.
Skagit County Prosecuting Attorney
The Skagit County Prosecuting Attorney's Office provides assistance to the victims of crime, advises law enforcement agencies on legal and investigative matters, determines if criminal charges should be filed against a person, prosecutes criminal cases in District, Juvenile and Superior Court, and represents the State in all criminal appeals.
Skagit County Public Defender's Office
The Skagit County Public Defender's Office provides defense services for indigents charged with criminal offenses, juveniles charged with criminal offenses, at-risk juveniles, indigent parents in child dependency cases, and respondents in Mental Health Proceedings.
Skagit County Coroner
The Coroner is an Elected Official with the responsibility for determining the Cause and Manner of Death of all persons who pass within the jurisdictional boundaries of Skagit County. The Coroner or his/her Deputies are required to adhere to the Revised Code of Washington (RCW Titles 36.24 & 68.50) for determining if a case is a jurisdictional death that would require a more thorough and in-depth investigation.
Skagit County Superior Court
Skagit County Superior Court is a general jurisdiction trial court with responsibility for civil matters involving more than $300, unlawful detainers, and injunctions; felony criminal cases; misdemeanor criminal cases not otherwise provided for by law; family law, including dissolutions, child support, adoptions, parentage, and domestic-violence protection matters; probate and guardianship matters; juvenile offender matters; juvenile dependencies, including abused and neglected children, children in need of services, at-risk youth, and truancies; mental illness and involuntary commitment matters.
Skagit County District Court
As a court of limited jurisdiction, the District Court is responsible for the following types of matters: civil litigation matters up to $75,000; small claims matters up to $5,000; nuisance violations; vehicle tow and impound hearings; anti-harassment orders; domestic violence protection orders; infractions (traffic, non-traffic and parking); misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor criminal cases; felony expedited cases; felony preliminary hearings; search warrants; and death inquests.
Community Action's Volunteer Lawyer Program
Sponsored by the Skagit County Bar Association, Community Action's Volunteer Lawyer Program offers free legal assistance to eligible low-income Skagit County residents. The program is staffed by an Attorney/Program Manager and a Legal Assistant. Each year, Skagit County attorneys donated about 1,500 volunteer hours to nearly 500 people for more than $260,000 worth of legal services. Services include pro se (self-representation) family law forms and instructions, weekly legal advice clinics, and pro bono representation. Program staff also assist Spanish-speaking individuals in preparing pro se family law forms.