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At one point or another, everyone is a pedestrian. As the expense of driving and insuring a vehicle rise, more and more people choose to walk to their destinations. As the number of pedestrians increases, so do the number of pedestrian accidents. To see where the San Diego region ranks in terms of pedestrian collisions nationally, please go to this National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report.
While rare compared to other types of motor-vehicle crashes, aircraft accidents do happen regularly, usually with devastating results. Despite significant safety improvements over the past decades, many people each year experience the pain of losing someone in an airplane crash.
Bicycling is becoming more popular in the San Diego region. There are numerous organizations that promote fun and safe bicycling in the area, including BikeSD, San Diego County Bike Coalition, and San Diego Mountain Biking Association.
Six tips on driving safely around kids
According to AAA, the afternoon hours are particularly dangerous for kids being hit by cars. Nearly a quarter of child pedestrian fatalities occurred between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Children don’t have enough experience to know what to do in unexpected situations that can happen so fast, and sometimes they do unexpected things. No driver wants to be responsible for a devastating accident at any time – especially one that involves children. Drivers need to be especially careful when driving around kids, and here are some things from AAA’s School’s Open – Drive Carefully campaign to think about.
Single Vehicle Car Crashes in Bellingham Have Options for Justice Too
If you have been involved in a single car crash that occurred through no fault of yours, it may feel as though you don’t have any options for finding financial help to get you through the recovery process. Further, the insurance company and perhaps the authorities will likely figure that the crash was your fault, and it’s tough – as well as inadvisable – to argue against them on your own. There are often many factors at work in a car crash, and a single vehicle collision is no different. Click to learn more about your options if you were involved in a Whatcom County car crash with only a single vehicle involved.
Recreational vehicles create dangerous conditions on Whatcom County roads
The infamous RV, on American highways at all times of the year, is especially present during the warm summer months. Never more obviously than when you’re stuck behind one. Packed with families and those accoutrements that just can’t be left behind, motor homes hit the road and take up much of it. Not only are they a big investment for those who own them – they are also a large obstacle for many motorists who share the road. The extra care and caution it takes to navigate around these vehicles can be like passing a semi. Particularly on windy roads or hills that keep the RV from maintaining the flow of traffic, it can be a stressful moment to many drivers on Bellingham and Whatcom County roads. Click to learn more about car accidents with an RV in Whatcom County.
Pro Bono Listings Georgia
State Bar of Georgia Volunteer-Pro Bono
Motorcycling – Fun and freedom tempered by increased risk of collision
For enthusiasts, motorcycling is the preferred mode of travel. A sense of freedom, a close connection to the road and nature, and the speed and maneuverability of a motorcycle are all reasons why there has been an increase in motorcycling's popularity. However, given the vulnerability of a motorcyclist to the larger, heavier vehicles sharing the road, the danger in injury or death from a motorcycle accident is significantly greater. Click here for more information on what to do next if you were in a motorcycle crash.