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Speeding doesn't get you there faster

It's just not worth the risk to speed. Stop lights, other vehicles, time lost accelerating and slowing down - all of these factors keep you from getting to your destination significantly faster. Not to mention that the risk of a ticket makes it worth following the law. Here is an article about the science of how speeding doesn't do much to get you there faster, and strategies to make your errand running more efficient.

Have you been involved in an accident on the highway?

Getting on the freeway system is a gamble every time. Every driver relies on other drivers to make good decisions, remain focused on driving, and follow the law at all times. If not, the consequences can be critically dangerous due to so many vehicles traveling at high speed. One moment of carelessness can lead to many catastrophic injuries, and even death.

Have you been involved in a car crash on the highway? Click here to learn more.

Accidents with speeding drivers can have deadly consequences

Speed limits are not just recommendations, but established rules that all drivers are expected to follow while operating their vehicles on public roads. Many factors are considered by the engineers who set the limits, such as the road’s characteristics; how wide the shoulder might be, if there is one at all; road grade; and the length of a driver’s line of sight. The limits are set very carefully after an assessment of all these factors, and are meant to keep everyone safe and maintain a healthy flow of traffic as much as possible. However, some drivers speed, and a moment of carelessness can have devastating consequences. If you have been in an accident with a speeding driver, you have options. Click to learn more.

You have options if a speeder hit you

Speed limits are not just recommendations, but established rules that all drivers are expected to follow while operating their vehicles on public roads. Many factors are considered by the engineers who set the limits, such as the road’s characteristics; how wide the shoulder might be, if there is one at all; road grade; and the length of a driver’s line of sight. The limits are set very carefully after an assessment of all these factors, and are meant to keep everyone safe and maintain a healthy flow of traffic as much as possible. However, some drivers speed, and statistics reflect this, and this increases the liklihood and severity of a crash. If you have been hit by a speeding driver, you have options.