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I have a lot of friends who roll their eyes at the thought of going to see America’s current top movie at the box office, Furious 7. Not coincidentally, I have a lot of friends who are BORING! For some reason, these holier-than-thou types are denying the appeal of these fantastic popcorn flicks. People like to act like their tastes are too refined to enjoy the sight of Tyrese and Paul Walker jumping a car onto a yacht. 

How safe is hot air ballooning?
..."the deadliest accident in recent memory happened in 1989, when 13 people were killed as two hot air balloons collided in Australia. Weber said while every activity had its risks, ballooning was "one of the safest means of flying in existence." "You are floating in the air like a feather. You put some heat into the envelope to get you up and then you float with the atmosphere, there is no speed involved…
A massive tornado struck northern Illinois last night, and so far at least two people are confirmed dead with many missing. Growing up in Wisconsin, which is on the northern end of Tornado Alley, I've been through my fair share of tornado warnings, although I've never experienced anything approaching this level of devastation.
A contract worker who fell asleep Monday in the cargo hold of a departing Alaska Airlines jetliner “knowingly violated” the policies and procedures of his employer, Menzies Aviation, the company said Tuesday. Menzies, a global provider of airline handling, said the worker “hid in the hold of an aircraft to take a nap,” forcing the plane the turn around and make an emergency landing. The matter remains under internal investigation, the company added.
When I took Drivers Ed in the late 90s, the "10 and 2" position was hammered into my brain by instructors as the only way to safely grip a steering wheel. According to this video by AAA, though, not only is that position wrong, it's dangerous. 
"In 1970 when Wisconsin Sen. Gaylord Nelson invented Earth Day, we were groggy, but starting to awaken about rescuing the environment from ourselves. Only two years earlier, the pollution-gagged Cuyahoga River in Ohio actually caught fire, giving another reason why living in Cleveland was depressing. It was as if a higher power was suggesting a final warning. Fix yourselves soon or else.

A groundbreaking new study suggests what some scientists have long-suspected: walking faster makes you move faster, and this is helpful in disaster situations.

Today at Accident Data Center, we're wishing safe travels to three men riding in tiny cars for a good cause. 
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