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This news story is not for the faint of heart.
Last night, a witness captured the terrifying sight of an enormous jack-o-lantern emerging from the trees, bearing down on the people of Peoria, Arizona, ghoulishly preparing to crush anything—or anyone—in its path. The 25-foot tall, 350-pound inflatable pumpkin was out of control, threatening hysterical onlookers with its ghostly wrath.
Somebody was in an extra rush during Seattle's Friday morning rush hour.
5 Common Causes of School Bus Accidents(link is external)
School bus collisions carry the added complexity of endangering - and sometimes injuring - innocent children. Adding to the emotional and physical distress in the aftermath, the claims against parties involved in such a crash tend to be complicated, involving various at-fault parties and insurance companies, each with their own agenda to protect their assets and defend the claim. Don't think that you are at the mercy of what these other parties decide. If you or a loved one has been involved in a school bus accident(link is external), learn what factors tend to be common causes of bus accidents and what are your options for what to do next.
Commercial Truck Drivers Are Especially Susceptible to Fatigued Driving(link is external)
Commercial truck drivers by and large are behind the wheel longer than anyone else on the road. Increasingly, these drivers are under pressure to meet tight delivery deadlines which can make a driver feel like cutting back on sleep or using alcohol or drugs to cope with the stress. However, there are strict rules governing how long truckers must rest, though they're not always followed correctly. If you have been involved in an accident with a commercial truck(link is external), click to learn more about your options.
4 Key Factors in Having a Safe Motorcycle Ride(link is external)
While helmets are effective in preventing deaths for motorcycle drivers in crashes four out of ten times, only 19 states and the District of Columbia require their use by law. More and more research improves bike helmet material and design, and more data demonstrates why they should be used. Personal injury lawyers who work with motorcycle accident victims(link is external) see cases where injuries could have been prevented by helmet usage all too often. For motorcycle riding safety tips from a Bellingham, Washington lawyer well-experienced with helping motorcycle accident victims, click here.
Getting There Safe: 17 Tips for Safe Holiday Driving(link is external)
Driving in inclement weather can happen at any time of year, though fall and winter increase a driver's chance of running into dicey conditions. Luckily, with a little study and practice, drivers can get through even long trips on the road during the holiday season unscathed. Take it from a personal injury attorney practicing in Bellingham, Washington, there are ways to lower ones chances of a car crash by following these safe-driving tips(link is external).
4 Tips for car accident victims where fault is disputed(link is external)
Car crashes are complicated events that happen in the blink of an eye. Many factors can contribute to the series of missteps that make vehicles collide, and many people will look at those factors and have a completely different take on who was at fault. In cases that aren't cut and dried, fault can be disputed. If you've been in an accident where fault is disputed(link is external), this article has four tips on what you can do to build a best case scenario for yourself.
Tips on collecting physical evidence at the scene of an auto accident(link is external)
Auto accidents - no matter how minor - are shocking, scary events to all involved. First and foremost, the top priority is to get the injured medical care ASAP, as those first few moments are critical to recovery, and sometimes, survival. However, accident victims have other things to consider too. This article is intended to be shared with friends and loved ones before an accident happens, to keep in mind some things to do in the event of an accident that can help in going through the insurance claims process or even building a tort case. Click for information on the importance of collecting physical evidence after a car crash(link is external) and other tips.
Red light runners put everyone in their path at risk(link is external)
Every time we buckle up in a car and hit the road, we have an unspoken - and legal - agreement that we will all follow the law and drive safely. However, not everyone will maintain this agreement at all times. Intersections are particularly important places to adhere to this agreement, as vehicles cross each others' paths, sometimes at high speeds. If you were hit by someone who ran a red light(link is external), someone didn't keep up their end of the bargain. Click for more information on what to do.
One of the most dangerous factors contributing to accidents can affect anyone(link is external)
Did you know that approximately 1 in 5 motor vehicle crashes involves a drowsy or fatigued driver? Since all bodies need to sleep - not drink alcohol or check email behind the wheel - it is not too surprising. The problem is big enough that states such as Washington sent out a press release to raise awareness about the issue of drowsy driving, and have declared National Drowsy Driving Awareness Week. Any moment a driver's eyes are away from the task of driving, whether on a phone, blurred from booze, or snoozing, are the same as driving completely blind. Read on for tips on preventing fatigued driving(link is external).