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While rare compared to other types of motor-vehicle crashes, aircraft accidents do happen regularly, usually with devastating results. Despite significant safety improvements over the past decades, many people each year experience the pain of losing someone in an airplane crash.
As mass transit systems grow across Kansas, Wichita, and Hutchinson, bus accidents occur more regularly. When a bus crash happens, serious injuries and fatalities are a common result.
Common causes of bus accidents in Wichita and Hutchinson
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration(link is external), over the past 10 years, nationally:
The number of buses involved in fatal crashes decreased from 274 to 251, an 8% drop;
The size and speed of trains brings death and destruction to anyone and anything in their path. The main forms of train accidents are train derailments, train and pedestrian accidents, and train and car accidents.
To learn about train accidents in Wichita and Hutchinson, go to the Federal Railroad Administration site(link is external).
According to Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center(link is external), in 2012, 726 lost their lives in bicycle/motor vehicle crashes nationally, just under two people every day of the year in the U.S. The death rate from bicycle crashes is high due to the relative lack of protection bicyclists have in an impact with a motor vehicle.
Car seats are required by law. Do you have the right stuff?(link is external)
Advice and ratings abound on the internet, but how do you know what you're getting? For tips from personal injury lawyer Bill Coats on buying the right car seat(link is external), click here.
Want the safest car seat for your little one? Click for tips on finding it(link is external)
Tips and tricks abound online on how to find the best car seat for your needs. It's law in Washington State as well as many others that you must have one before you take your newborn from the hospital, so every parent must make the decision on what to buy. This post from Bill Coats Law in Bellingham(link is external) tells you how to make the best decision.
Who do you trust to test the nation's car seats? The NHTSA, of course(link is external)
But how do they rate them? The answer may surprise you. Click here to read about how car seats are rated(link is external), and tips on finding the right one for your little one.
Tips on buying the right car seat(link is external)
Every parent in Washington, as well as many other states, will have to decide what car seat to buy. No baby can go home from the hospital without being in one, by law. Bellingham lawyer Bill Coats writes on tips for buying the right car seat (link is external)to keep your child safe.
Types of Damages You Can Seek in Florida Personal Injury Lawsuits(link is external)
Need any more proof that 3-year-olds are monsters who care nothing for your cardiac health or sanity? Look no further than this toddler in Crystal River, Florida, who decided to try to murder his parents in cold blood this week by scaring them to death.
Tampa Bay news station WTSP reports(link is external):